Chapter 9-omg scarlett!

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Mason 💗☀️

It's Friday!!!🥳

Finally 😂😂

Did you want me to pick
You up?

Nah thanks my mums taking
Me to school today🙄😂

Ahhh your going to be
Late!! 😂😂

Yep hopefully no one will
Notice 🤞🏻😂🤞🏻
What do we have today?

Maths, English,history, pe
And then a study

Ok hopefully I can make it in
just before the end of maths

Yeah you better, see you later
Love ya weirdo!

Yeah love ya to 😂😂

"Scarlett!!" My mum yells from the bottom of the stairs "you need breakfast before you go!"
I'm not really a breakfast person but I guess she wouldn't know that because normal at this time she has her head in the downs stairs toilet

I straighten my tie looking at the red marks that are now imprint in my neck. They have gone down a lot since yesterday but it still looks like a bear has clawed my throat out
I pull my hair forward so a bit is on each shoulder what hides my neck a little bit more

I grab my bag and shove my books inside then rush down the stairs "mum have you seen my shoes!"
I stop in my tracks but quickly run in the kitchen "mum!" I push the door open and a pan is on the floor as she clutches her hand
"Did you burn your self?...."
I walk closer and as I do I get a strong sniff of alcohol
Her eyes tear up as I slowly look at her hand
"Come on let's run it under water!"

I wonder if it's to late to text mason to come get me
I pull out my phone from my back pocket and look at the's 8:30 he would be In form room right now there's no point

"You know you shouldn't cook why your drunk" I say flipping her hand under the water so it gets on everything

"I know...but you needed....breakfast" her stutter is strong and she is definitely to drunk to drive....
"Listen to me! I'm going to wrap your hand then I'm going to go to school. Do not cook anything or go near the oven! When I get back if your hand still hurts we will go to the hospital ok but you have to sober up!"

I grab the first aid box from the draw and pull out a couple of things I think will last till I get back
I wrap it around her hand then use medical tape so it don't come undone
Once I done that I took my mums arm and walk her over to the sofa slowly lowering her down and putting a blanket next to her with a bottle of water and so crisps I got from the kitchen
"Sleep it off..."

I want to be mad I really do but....I just can't
Before I go I quickly clean the kitchen and make sure that the oven is off and there is nothing what she can hurt herself out in the open
I close the door putting the washing baskets and two boxes in front of it because I know she won't be bothered to move them
She will probably not even wake up till about 4 anyway so I have nothing to worry about

I look at my phone and it's 9:23 shit!!
I rush out the door grabbing my keys and yelling bye mum as I leave
School isn't that far in a car it's around 10 minutes but it will take me about 20 to 30 minutes to walk there


Where are you?

Just leaving my house now

My teacher and I (18+)Where stories live. Discover now