Chapter 16- make me !

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"I love you Scarlett" mr Clark says walking across his office to stand in front of me
"I've always loved you" he lifts my chin with the end of his finger and softly places his lips on mine, they was so warm and wet.
The kiss comes more passionate as he lifts me up wrapping my legs around his waist before placing me on the desk, pushing off all the papers
"God the things I'm going to do to....."

*muffled sound* "Scarlett...Scarlett wake up"
I feel a light shake on the side of my arm causing me to slowly wake
I look up and see mr Clark looking down on me his beautiful eyes deep into mine
I was leant up against him, my head resting in the curve of his neck "it's time to wake up and put your seat belt on...the planes about to   land "
The thing is I don't even remember falling asleep let alone up against mr Clark, I rub my face feeling the slight warm blush that consumed me
"I'm sorry" I say pushing my self up and leaning back in my seat

"It's fine you was tired.......also You was must have been dreaming about me " he smirks curling up his top lip
Only if he knew I actually was.... and how I was dreaming of all the things he wanted to do to me on his would be a lie to say I wasn't aroused
" I was not dreaming about you" I say letting out a chuckle
" oh yeah of course not"

🔊 attention....this is your captain speaking we are about to start approaching the run way so if everyone can fasten the seatbelts and stay seated it would be very much appreciated.....thank you!"🔊

I grab the seat belt and tighten it again but not as bad as last time
Maybe it will be nice and smooth and better the the taking off
.........God was I wrong
The plane drops a little and my ears pop
It was such a horrible feeling, it was like when you used to get out of the swimming pool and your ears got full of water but this time it didn't go away so easy
I press down on my ear hoping it would work but my hearing was still muffled

"They say when your ears pop on a plane you should suck something"
Mr Clark puts a hand down into his trouser pocket pulling something out
"Here suck on this" he opens his hand and inside is a hard toffee candy what normally old ladies have in a bowl on there coffee table!

At first I look at him a bit confused
Is he being serious because I can't imagine this would work....well I guess it wouldn't hurt to try
I place the candy in my mouth and do what mr Clark said at first I didn't feel any different but suddenly I could hear a lot better.
The plane starts to decrease more rapidly so I lean back in my seat and grab onto the arms
"Your ok" says mr Clark placing a hand on mine and lightly rubbing it with his thumb
"Talk to me to take your mind off it"
I look over at him and a light smile is on his face
"What are we doing when we get off the plane?"
"Well we are going to go get our bags....make sure everyone is accounted for, then we are going to get on a coach to our hotel where I will be giving everyone there rooms....."
The plane jolts as the wheels hit the floor causing me to quickly shut my eyes and my breathing becoming rapid
"Hey....look at me" he says is a calm voice as his hand falls on my shoulder
I open my eyes " it's all over your fine.... anyway then I thought we could all go for dinner and have a nice meal"
I slowly nod my head "yeah a dinner would be nice"

England was such a beautiful place, the land marks, the buildings , the city, it was just all so breath taking
It was a little cold like I thought it was going to be and definitely not what I was use to, the sky's was grey and slightly cloudy but it was nice.
It took us about a hour and a half to get to the hotel from the airport and it was even better then I expected
Honestly I was expecting a run down hotel where you would see it falling apart and rats running in the street but....not this place!

It was a tall building made out of bricks with rows of flowers in flower beds hanging from the windows, there was steps leading up to the spinning doors where the door man stood in his nicely clean red uniform
This place looked good enough for the queen to live in it..... it was beautiful!
We all walk through the revolving doors in the huge reception area.
Inside was even better! The floors was made out of a white marble and there was pillars with beautiful patterns carved into them even on the ceiling there was patterns everywhere.

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