Chapter 19

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"Don't give D/N anymore cake" You told Bakugou because he had already given her enough. You left to go fix your hair from sleeping.

"Whatever" Bakugou thought, continuing to feed D/N more cake not thinking much of it.

You searched around the bathroom for some hair products but all you could find was hairspray and a brush.

"I'll just use water," You thought as you wet the brush with hot water. You flicked some of the water off and began slicking some of your hair back, without taking out the ponytail itself.

After a few strokes, you were done. Bakugou heard you coming down the stair and quickly wiped the cake off D/N's mouth and tried to make it look as if he didn't give her any cake.

"We should clean up," Bakugou said and you both got to work, wiping down the counters, rinsing off dishes, and putting them into the sink.

"I call not doing the dishes," You said when the dishes were the only thing left to do. Bakugou put up a fight but eventually, he did them.

Time Skip

You had made it home, got D/N ready for bed, and had been trying to rock her to sleep but it hadn't been working. She was making a weird face, so you tried of letting her lay down and see if she could comfort herself to sleep.

You left the room for a few minutes and when you came back to check on her it smelled terrible. You walked over to her to see that she had pooped everywhere.

"I knew he gave you that cake," You said annoyed because he did the opposite of what you told him to.

You tried changing her diaper as quickly as possible, but it took a while the poop was everywhere. You gave up trying to wipe her and ran water in the tub to give her another bath. You put her toys into the water and watched her play. You felt so calm, bathing her was one of your favorite moments.

You washed her off while she was still distracted by her toys, wrapped her up in her blanket, and got her ready for bed again. Finally this time she went to sleep, leaving you to get ready for bed yourself.

You took your hair out of its ponytail and scratched your scalp. Then brushed your hair with a wide tooth comb so you could braid it easily. After getting the knots out you loosely plaited your hair and pulled your bonnet on. 

You took off your clothes, that were now wet from giving D/N two baths and tossed them down your laundry shoot. You put on your most comfortable pair of pajamas so you could get the best night sleep and laid in bed. 

It felt good to be in your bed you had been at Bakugou's house the whole weekend and tomorrow was a school day. 

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