Chapter 9 - A Psycho For The Psyclone

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(I'm dedicating this to NickUskoski, he's a big person on here and he was awesome enough to like the story! And gave me some awesome compliments! Check out his stuff! He has lots of Wattpad experience and great guide to help Wattpaders be noticed!)

Chapter 9

A Psycho For The Psyclone

The lights were bright inside the planning room. Second Lieutenant Zade was staring at him with a big smile and head held high. So was the first lieutenant, Violet Bellows, and the military commander, Dalen Greer, only they were sitting down near the holographic map. Since Zade was Donny's mentor, he was given the honor to reward him personally.

Donny was standing in front of him with a small smile and Zade held up a bronze star medal with a red ribbon and a blue strip cutting down the center of it. A bravery medal of valor it was.

"Donny," said Zade, "When I recruited you, I did because I knew you had the strength and potential to help preserve our world. You've shown just that when you sliced the most important fugitive mutant and disintegrated any trace of him by destroying the Eluvium venom and everything around it. Because of you, our enemy, The Cybran Conservation, has been dreadfully crippled."

Zade reached out to Donny's shoulder and pinned the medal to his black shirt. "Congratulations, you've completed your first successful mission."

Commander Greer commented, "Francesco, Gamma Ray, had the power to control the electro-magnetic spectrum. Gamma rays, radio waves, infrared waves, x-rays, you name it. He was the toughest out of all of them."

"What makes him so special?" asked Leina who was sitting next to Lieutenant Bellows.

"Since he's a mutant," Explained Commander Greer, "his DNA has scientific secrets, more so than the others. Let's just say, now that he's dead and his body completely blown away, it prevents them from making any kind of powerful weapons."

"Woohoo! Go Donny!" shouted Bellows making everyone clap and smile. The honor that was given him that day, made Donny feel like a hero. He smiled for the first time in years.

Leina strolled along with Donny outside the planning room, on the quarry's wide catwalks. Markus was nearby, observing them both walk together and then approaching them as his next move. He counted on Donny coming out sooner or later so he confronted him face to face. Donny noticed his arm was bandaged with a white elastic material. The face Markus was wearing didn't look to friendly. "Next time, follow orders."

Donny felt uneasy, and didn't want to hear it from the person who thinks he's better than everyone else. He glanced to his side.

"He's right," Leina jumped in. "Either one of us could've been killed that day. You just got lucky you killed Francesco. Zade said he'd forget about it as long as Markus is able too."

"Gee, thanks," said Donny in a quite tone facing his eyes away from both of them.

"Next time I won't forget about it. And next time, you'll be dealing with me afterward." Markus took Leina's hand and they moved on together, leaving Donny behind as usual. They all headed toward the lunch area since Donny was called to go to the planning room just as soon as lunch started.

He walked alone, thinking to himself and feeling out of place as his everyday emotions told him, wandering in his own fog. Feeling heavy and slower than others as people passed him by, the honor only felt temporary. A bit of happiness flew his way but the sensation of being uncomfortable was always still there without him even knowing what it was.

Melissa, the dark skinned girl that lived in the room next to his, was helping to direct an eight wheeled infantry carrier up an elevator to take to the surface. He saw her as he walked by and the hands free device droned a low hum as the elevator was operating. "Come on!" she yelled in the loudest voice possible at the operators. "If you want that anthrax to be delivered by week three, then get that thing new cat walks and ammo!" Being an introvert, she had a very shrill voice every time she raised it to give orders.

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