Why are you Helping me?

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And I saw them...
They.. they saw me and walked straight to me. The 7 woman were behind me to give me space but why now.
^ey looser^ Emily screamed.
I tried to avoid them but they weren't happy with that.

^Bitch did you hear me^
^what do you want emily^
^give me you're phone^
^what no, im not gonna give you me phone AGAIN^
^are you sure^

^yes I'm sure, I don't care if you 5 Bitches gonna hit me or not. I don't care if you gonna do something. But if you wanna do something than do it to me.
Hit me or say something bad, I DONT CARE. But don't write other people such bad thing that can hurt there feelings, you have something against me okay, BUT DONT BE SUCH A BITCH AGAINST SOMEONE WHO YOU DONT EVEN KNOW and I don't talk about the person you wrote such bad things. I talk about every person in the FUCKING WORLD^

^Well I don't care and could you maybe remind me what and to whom I said bad things again. Oh and I hope she don't like you anymore^ she said smiling
^okay first of I think you know who I'm talking about and what you wrote you know too and I wrote her back that it was you and not me. And she responded to you're text and she thought I was that do you even know how bad I felt or even how hurt she felt^
^yeah ,yeah what ever, I want to know what she wrote back and her instagram name^

^no what^
^no I don't gonna say it to you and I don't gonna tell you her instagram name^
^oh really^
^yes, now fuck off^
^GIRLS^and with that the 4 girls came near me and I backed up. The 7 woman saw it and three of them came in font of me.
^shut the fuck up and go away from her^
^oh look at this, the Bitch has guards, how cute^
^okay hear, let her alone okay, if you don't gonna let her be. You don't gonna feel anything anymore, got it?^
^yeah no^ after Emily said this Lola one of the girls whispered her something in her ear.

^what^Emily said
^yeah^Lola said
^oh okay, well then. Like I see you feel not that bad^Emily said to the woman with blond short hair and brown hair.
^dear Sarah paulson, I thought my message I sent you yesterday hurt you^
Omg that is THE SARAH PAULSON???
^so it was you^
^yeah and I..^ Emily got cut of
^what ever just go before someone make you go^ with that the five girls left.

The woman in front of me turned around and I saw there faces really clear. I looked to my sides and behind me and saw all of them really clear.
Omg the woman are all actresses. In font of me are standing Sarah Paulson, Cate Blanchett and Sandra Bullock.
To my right Helena Bonham Carter, to my left Anne Hathaway and behind me are mindy Kaling and Awkwafina. OMG , i think I gonna faint or is it a dream.

^can someone please pinch me^
^what^sarah said
^please just pinch me^
^okay^ cate said and pinched me.
^ouch, okay I'm not dreaming^
^cate!!^sandra said
^what she asked^
^why should you dream hony^helena said.
^I.. I don't know^
^okay come on we bring you home or to this adoption house^
^pleas just call it house. I hate it there and the name adoption house makes it worst^
^oh okay, is it really that bad?^ Akwafina asks.

^Well yeah^
^why^sandra said. While we kept walking.
^Well, some of them are actually nice, but I.. Well there are this 5 bully's. I don't really care about them. It's just I hate it to live, I hate everything and everyone. Well not everyone but a lot of people.
It's comfortable there and I have a really good room and a room for my self. But I don't have anyone. I go out of my room and all eyes are on me and that makes me uncomfortable.^

^oh, why do you hate everything and a lot of people?^ Anne asked.
^Well going outside I see all this happy people, all this family's, kids who are happy. They have things to play with. And that makes me sad and angry because I never had anything. Only my teddy bear and that's it. I had a bad live, family who didn't care about me at all, only my grandma but she died when I was 5. Then my grandpa died when I was 8 he cared about me too AND then my shit live started and when I say my family didn't care at all then I mean my whole family. They didn't even notice that I started to cut myself with 8. I only had may grandparents but they died and i had no one^ I told them the whole truth. By there faces I saw they were shocked.

I mean I would be shocked to if someone told me something like this.
^oh I'm so so so sorry^mindy and Sandra said.
^its okay it's not you're fault, oh we're here^
^yep, okay well again we are really sorry and hope you're okay, stay safe hopefully we see each other one day again^ cate said.
^yeah maybe, have a good day too, bye^
After all said goodbye I went in and went straight to my room...

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