where am i...

203 15 2

And all went black

Just Nothing...
Just a white light...
Light from a door..
And I went in the door...

*beep* pause *beep*
I open my eyes to bright light and cover them immediately. I wanted to say something but I had something in my mouth. Why have I something in my mouth and where am I. I looked around to find... no one. Just a white room. A couch,TV which is on and well ehm machines. When I looked down at my body. I saw that I broke my right leg,it was in white cast. Yeah I think a cast. My arms had some needles in it.
Where the fuck am I. I started to panic. I can't breathe .. oh God I can't breathe and all went black....

After a while I heard nothing. But then.. then I heard a voice. A female voice. When I opened my eyes there was a woman in white clothing. Maybe she's a doctor. When she saw me she came to me and started to talk.
^hello Lisa,how are you feeling. Oh wait don't talk let's remove this thing fisrt^ I wanted to ask so much. But I can't because of this big looking straw that helped me with something. After she removed it I immediately asked her where I was.
^honey, you're ok a hospital^
^what? Why? And why does my body hurts that much^
^you don't remember^
^what should I remember^
She didn't answered. She just went away. Out of my room. The fuck, what happened and who I.. the door opened and the wom..doctor came back, with a second doctor and behind them three woman. One of them had shoulder long blond hair and a blue suit. The second one had brown long hair and a red top and blue jeans. The last one had shoulder long brown hair and a green sweatshirt combined with blue mom jeans. Who are they? The doctors talked, the woman sat down. One next to me and one on the couch. The third one stand behind the woman next to me. Okay last time who are they???
I looked at the three woman and back to the doctor. Then the man doctor said.
^hello Lisa. I'm dr.Areonir and I'm here to help you^
^oh..okay^ I wanted to ask who this woman are. But I couldn't. Why? Well what if they are kidnappers and they said that they now me or even worse mur.. I got pulled back to reality from the closing door. In the room was now only two woman and the doctor from before.
^okay Lisa. Oh wait I'm Dr.robbsen. but you can call me Arizona. So I gonna check you out^ I nodded. After a while Arizona came to check my eyes. When she was near enough I whispered.
^ who are this woman^ she looked at me like she just saw a ghost. She looked at the two woman and left the room. Okay that was weird. The whole time the two woman didn't talked. It's now 10 minutes later and the two doctors and the one woman came in. The woman sat back down next to me and took my hand. I wanted to pull away but I didn't. The two doctors stand in front of me and whispered. Then they looked at me. Arizona came to my free side and sat next to me. And started talking.
^lisa,could you say how old you are^
^okay, do you know why your here^
^in the hospital..no^
She looked at the woman next to me, pointed at her and said.
^do you remember her^
^i- no. No I don't now her^
I felt my hand was not more hold. I looked at my hand and at the woman she had tears in her eyes.
^do you know them^she said pointing to the other two woman.
^no. I... I don't know. No^ the lady had now tears streaming down her face and two shaking hands. The two woman stood up and went to her, hugged her and looked at me sad.
^don't cry. I don't wanna see you cry. See now I'm crying too^ wait. When people cry. I need to cry too. But only people I love or like. But she's a stranger. I never cried because of a stranger. She didn't say anything more she just cried and well me too. I looked at the door because I heard footsteps and there was a girl. She had orange hair,a blue t-shirt and a black skirt. OMG, that's.. that's susen. My... my. Oh God why is she here. I didn't knew what was happening. Arizona and Dr.arenoir came to me. And did somethings I didn't felt or saw anything, because I was just focused on the door.
Two seconds later.. she was gone. Like just disappeared like a ghost and I heard crying and screaming before all went black AGAIN...

{To be continued}


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