on set with them

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It's really nice to wake up with arms wrapped around you. I opened my eyes slowly and saw Sarah, who is watching me.
^you now staring is rude^
^I know but it's just.. I have a beautiful daughter^ I just smiled. I moved a little away from her but she didn't like it, because she pushed me back in her arms. We laughed and then I stood up. I went in the bathroom, took a shower, brushed my teeth and hair. Then I walked out and saw Sarah asleep again. Well I don't blame her, she came to me at 2am so I just let her sleep more. After 10 more minutes she woke up and just sat at my bed. I was in my closet and stood there the whole time. Then she came in.
^need help^
^holy cow, you scared me and yeah I can't decide what to wear^
I had there two outfits. The first one was just some black jeans and a grey sweatshirt and the second one was a white dress with red leopard mustering.
^take the dress one it will look good on you^ sarah said while taking the dress in her hand. She went to my box with shoes and took white ones
out and gave them to me. She said that she's gonna go in her room to get ready. Then she left. I put the dress on and under it some black shorts, because the dress is down open on both sides. It was not a dress that is to the knees, no it's a little longer than that and looks like an jumpsuit but it is not a jumpsuit.
(The dress)

After putting on my things, I looked around and well the boxes where all there

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After putting on my things, I looked around and well the boxes where all there. So I started to put the clothes and some other things out of the boxes. After that I went down to the kitchen and saw Sarah making pancakes. She was on the phone, but with who?
When she saw me she smiled at me and told me to sit down. I did so. When I sat down she gave me a plate with pancakes. I heard some things. She is talking with sandy I think ,about the movie. I found out too that cate is gonna bring Edith with her on set. Edith is really like my little sister. Yeah I know I only knew her for like two days, but it feels like I knew her since I don't know since ever. Well she is younger than me so more like since she's born.
Sarah ended the call and ate her pancakes.
^so, like I said we are gonna go on set today and winnie is coming too. Because I don't wanna leave her alone. Now, today. So yeah we are leaving in 10 minutes^
^okay^ I answered shortly.
I put my plate in the dishwasher and went in my room. Took my phone and went down. Sarah and I went out and in the car. Today I was sitting in the passenger seat and winnie was on my lap lying down.
^oh honey, could i maybe get your number. So I can have it if something happens or..^
^yeah sure^ I gave her my phone. She put hers and Holland's number in it. Texted Holland that it was my number and the car started to move.
I looked at my phone and saw she named her self in my phone "Sarah" and Holland just "Holland". I immediately changed it. Sarah to "mom❤" and Holland to "momma❤". Well sarah kind of wanted or dreamed about me calling her mom. So why not yet.
^what are you doing^ Sarah asked while I changed the names.
^changing names^
^from who^  I just showed her my phone. And she had a toothy smile on her face, with some tears forming in her eyes.
^that's sweet honey^ she said with tears streaming down her face.
^oh don't cry. If you cry I gonna cry^ while saying this, I felt tears forming in my eyes.
^oh God. This are happy tears^
^I don't care,you cry I need to cry too. I always cry when some one is crying. But only people I care about and I love or like^
Sarah just looked at me and nodded. The drive to the set was good. We heard some cher, laughed and of course cried. Winnie was the whole drive on my lap sleeping or just looking at me and sarah like we are crazy. Well I would think that too, I mean we cried about nothing really. We drove about 40 minutes. When we arrived I saw cate coming out of her car but with out Edith. I went out of Sarah's car, cate saw us and came to us. She hugged Sarah and then she gave me a long hug.
^wait, did you cry and if yeas why^ cate  said after braking the hug. Sarah had some makeup streaming down her face and I had a little red eyes.
^yeah we cried^ I said to cate looking at sarah and back at her.
^well lisa changed my name in her phone to mom and I was happy so I had to cry. But it was a happy cry and lisa..^ after finishing she looked at me.
^and I cry when people who I care,love or like are crying^
Cate just nodded and then we walked to the door. My right hand on  winnies leash and my left hand in Sarah's hand. We walked in and I saw.
No one only me, cate, my mom and winnie. Cate brought us then to a big couch. When I sat down I yawned. Sarah saw it and said.
^you are tired aren't you. Come here, and you can then take a nap^  sarah opened her arms so I came to her put my head on her lap my legs on cates lap and fall asleep. Oh yeah and winnie was on the floor playing with her ball.

I don't know how long i slept, but when I slowly opened my eyes I saw many people or let's say woman. Standing there. Cate saw me and just smiled. I was still on Sarah's lap so I turned on my back. She looked down and said.
^look who's awake. Slept good^
^yeah, was okay. This time no bad  past nightmares^
Sarah chuckled and said.
^well guys this is lisa, Lisa this are. Well ...you probably know^
I looked to my side and saw. 6 woman. Of course cate. But there where sandy, Anne Hathaway, helena bonham carter, mindy kaling and Awkwafina.
^hey^ I said a little shy.
^Hey, wait aren't you the girl who was in an alley we helped^ Anne asked confused.
^yep, that's me. Panic attack girl^
We all shared a laugh. After that Awkwafina asked me, why I'm here.
^oh I didn't told you guys. Well me and Holland adopted lisa. So she's my daughter now and she's with me here^
They all just look surprised and shocked. I chuckled at there reaction. After like 30 minutes talking. The door opened again and I saw Rihanna coming in. I'm not a such big fan of her. Of course I'm hearing sometimes her songs. Like "Umbrella" or "diamonds". But I was still surprised, I mean she is RIHANNA. A singer, one of Sarah's favourite singer. Behind Rihanna was a man with an unicorn backpack on his left shoulder. He was not tall nor short. He wore casual clothes, blur jeans and a green t-shirt. He is probably not with Rihanna here. And its not her backpack,hahah. I thought.
Cate stood up and went to that man. I couldn't see who it was. Until cate Gove him a kiss. Oh its Andrew, cates husband.  He gave cate the backpack and then Edith came in. She immediately spotted me.
^lisa^ she shouted and run to me. I stood up and went to her. It was cute, because while running she had her arms open so that when she can give me a hug. When she was then with me, I she gave me a long and tight hug. In the hug she whispered in my ear.
^I missed you, sis^ aww she called me sis. She's so nice. I whispered back.
^I missed you too, princess^  we both pulled away, she gave me a kiss on my cheek, run to her father kissed him on the cheek and said there goodbyes. Cate and Edith came back and she told me about her day and what she did yesterday...

Guys sorry for not updating.
I just well, forget that I write a book.

I need your help with that question!!!
So I want to know. Beach or forest.
It's for the story.

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