Chapter 9

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Sorry for the bad grammar and mistakes

Taehyung was waiting at the entrance with Jungkook beside him. He was checking to see if Jin's car would show up. Everyone left the school already.

"Don't you think Jin hyung is late to pick you up?", Jungkook asked looking out for his car.

"Yeah, he is. I wonder if something came up he would usually send me a message if he had to do something", Taehyung told Jungkook.

He reached in his backpack for his phone, "Let me tell my dad maybe he knows", Taehyung said, touching the profile of his dad.

Just when it was about to ring, both heard a car engine getting close to the school.

The car looked pretty expensive and it stopped in front of the school.

"Woah that's a nice car that Jin hyung has", Jungkook said astonished.

"That's not the car of Jin hyung", Taehyung said looking at the car seeing two people come out of it. Wearing suits which are weird and awesome at the same time.

The two strangers walked towards Jungkook and Taehyung making Jungkook pull Taehyung behind him.

"Which one of you guys is Kim Taehyung?", the male asked.

"I'm sorry sir, you got the wrong person. If you're looking for Kim Taehyung he has already left the school", Jungkook said.

Both males looked at each other then looked at Taehyung who was hiding behind Jungkook.

"Don't play with us kid. You think we're stupid that omega behind you is Kim Taehyung. Now, give him to us and no one will get hurt", the male threatened him.

"Hell no, TAEHYUNG HOLD ON TO ME!", Jungkook screamed, turning around grabbing Taehyung and sprinting as fast as he could.

Both the males ran towards them. Jungkook hears the car engine starting and there were more than two there.

He ran past the roads trying to look for a place with a lot of people.

Taehyung clenched on Jungkook's shirt, looking behind him to see both males catching up. His heart was pounding fast. Why did they ask for him? Did his father aggravate them?

The car stopped right in front of them, making Jungkook stop. He was about to run to the other side only to sniff some type of scent. He felt dizzy and heavy.

Jungkook saw how they dragged Taehyung in the car, seeing how he tried to defend himself. But they made him go still.

"N-No Taehyung", Jungkook tried to go towards them but whatever he sniffed made his whole body collapse to the ground. He saw how the car left him there at the side of the road.

Jungkook closed his eyes...

*  *  *

Namjoon was getting anxious that his son should've been here a few minutes ago. School was over already and he didn't get a call from Jin who left to go report to Yoongi.

'Forget it', Namjoon thought, grabbing his keys, leaving the house to see where his son was.

He arrived at the school to see no one, not even a single car. Namjoon walked towards the entrance to see a phone laying there.

That made his body go-to stone.

It was Taehyung's phone...

"Damn it", Namjoon cursed under his breath, he ran down the roads screaming his son's name only to see a body resting in the road.

He ran towards it to see Jungkook unconscious.

"Jungkook, do hear me?", he started to slap his face softly but he didn't wake up.

He pulled out his phone to call the ambulance.

"Hello this is ***", the operator said.

"Yes, h-hello I got a male alpha unconscious in the ground please send help", Namjoon said his hands trembling.

"Okay sir, where are you located?", the operator asked.

"I'm at the High School ***", Namjoon said.

"An ambulance is on their way, sir".

Namjoon said a small okay looking around to see if anyone will come back and finish their job...

The ambulance finally came, taking away Jungkook to the hospital.

Namjoon got a call thinking it was Jin.

Rather it was Yoongi.

He answered it putting the phone in his ear.

"Namjoon-ah, did you like the surprise I gave you?", Yoongi chuckled.

"Yoongi what did you do to Jin? WHERE IS MY SON?!", Namjoon yelled seeing the ambulance leave.

"Well Namjoon, I finally have my omega beside me now", Yoongi said, going to the bed caressing Taehyung's hair.

Namjoon felt his whole body leave him.

"I should thank you Namjoon for taking good care of him, now he is with me forever. And you will never get to see him again. Bye Namjoon", Yoongi laughed while hanging up the phone.

"Yoongi. YOONGI DON'T DO ANYTHING TO MY SON! YOU MOTHERFUCKER I WILL KILL YOU! Please, don't take my son away", Namjoon begged, falling to his knees. Tears covering his eyes, he felt like someone was punching his heart a million times.

He was weak to protect his son from the one person he hated the most.

He doesn't even know if Jin is alive or not?

This is all his fault. If only Taehyung didn't meet Yoongi back then maybe this wouldn't have happened...

Hi guys, I'm back from my hiatus. All because of my darn phone glitching. Everything went back to normal now. I hoped that you enjoyed this chapter so take care like always💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜

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