Chapter 10

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Sorry for the bad grammar and mistakes

Taehyung slowly woke up, he felt something soft and smooth under him.

He tried to open his eyes but only saw blurry images.

'I'm so tired', Taehyung thought, giving up, he went to sleep again.


Namjoon drove towards Yoongi's mansion. Let's say he broke the rules of driving.

He knew that Jin would scold him but he needs to find him and Taehyung.

Finally, he arrived at Yoongi's mansion rather it looked abandoned.

Namjoon ran towards the door, banging on it.


But there was no response, he grabbed the door's handle to see it was unlocked.

He stormed inside looking around, "MIN YOONGI WHERE ARE YOU!", Namjoon yelled, walking around the hallways.

Namjoon walked upstairs towards Yoongi's office to see it was empty. Only a sticky note was there on his desk.

He picked up the sticky note to read what was written on it.

Hi Namjoon, you must be reading this right now. As you can see I left. With my lover~
You will never find us anyway so just give up already. You're powerless. Don't worry I won't hurt your precious son. So adíos, Kim Namjoon.

P.S. Jin is in the basement. You might want to take him to the hospital.

Namjoon widened his eyes, sprinting to find Jin.

He found Jin just like Yoongi wrote in the note. Namjoon was shocked at seeing Jin's state, he was beaten up so badly that he couldn't even recognize him.

Namjoon lifted Jin's lifeless body to see if he was still alive or breathing at least.

"Jin, wake up. Please wake up, Jin", Namjoon chanted, slightly slapping Jin's face. Through that he was shaking, this was his fault.

If he didn't include him with his problems.

Namjoon felt some movement from Jin who groaned from the pain.

Jin slowly opened his eyes, squinting to see who was holding him.

"J-J-Joonie?", Jin asked, his voice broken.

"Jin, you finally woke up. Let's leave this place. I need to take you to hospital", Namjoon said gently picking up Jin who hissed when Namjoon pressed on his torso.

"Wait, w-where is Y-Yoongi?", Jin asked, his body started to shake. Flashbacks at how Yoongi was beating him without mercy. His eyes turned red seeing how he was enjoying his pain.

"Just rest Jin", Namjoon said, getting out of the mansion with an unexplainable expression that Jin couldn't decipher. He couldn't question him more since his body was in a bad shape right now.

He let his head fall on Namjoon's chest, listening to how his heart would beat.

Jin lastly closed his eyes, not knowing what news he will receive...


Taehyung fastly opened his eyes, he remembers everything that happened, how some strangers attacked him and Jungkook.

'Wait JUNGKOOK!', Taehyung sprinted out of the bed but immediately fell on the floor.

"What the?", just to see a chain attached to his ankle.

"You gotta be kidding me, who in the world would put this on me?", Taehyung asked.

"That would be me, little angel", said a voice.

That made Taehyung jump. He quickly turned in the direction of the door to see a male standing there.

He smelled the male's scent. It was strong. Stronger than Jungkook and his dad that wanted him to submit before him.

Taehyung started to shake since he was an omega. This scent is overpowering him.

'This is dangerous', he thought.

"W-Who are you? W-Where i-is Jungkook? WHAT DID YOU DO TO HIM?!", Taehyung yelled, pinching his nose trying to block the scent.

The male's eyes started to twitch.

"Did you just yell at me? Your alpha", the male questioned him, approaching Taehyung who was still on the floor.

Taehyung felt the atmosphere go heavy, his heart speeding up.

"And called out another man's name in front of me. That's not good, baby", the male said.

Lowering himself to face Taehyung.

"I finally have you after all these years. Even though I didn't want this to happen, but I was too impatient to have you by my side", the male said, lifting his hand slowly, caressing Taehyung's hair.

Taehyung whipped his head away from the male who growled.

The male grabbed Taehyung's chin to look him in the eyes.

"You shouldn't have done that. You don't want to suffer the consequences or do you?", the male asked.

Taehyung shook his head, "Who are you?".

The male chuckled, "Oh baby, how could you forget me. My name is Min Yoongi. Your mate"...

I FINALLY UPDATED SORRY IT TOOK SO LONG I WAS TRYING TO GET IDEAS. Also, I'm hating this phone so bad like guys it would glitch, and typing on it is hard. And school is around the corner in which I DON'T WANT TO. So no longer or do I hope you enjoyed it and take care💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜

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