Zay beach

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The waves crashed each other at the sea, the warm sun rays are a blessing in winter. She pulled her cardigan as the warm cold breeze flow through her. they left the café after a short while. she wanted to breathe, after hearing what happen samaira , seems like fate played her past in front of her again. She couldn't breathe.

She looked at him, beside her, walking with her. His hair was messed up, he shoved his hands off his pockets . He was distracted, she followed his vision, towards the opposite.

The was an old couple, laughing with each other. The blush creeping on the woman's face when her husband whispers something in her ear.

" Do you believe in Love ?"

she turned to look at him. He was looking at her . she turned to look at the old couple.

" Not really, The idea of Love makes me feel vulnerable."

" Vulnerable ?"

" yeah! Love makes you feel weak and dependent ."

" You're wrong Miss Ali. Love is only feeling in the world that makes you feel strong, adored, and independent." She turned to look at him ." Love is beautiful Miss Ali. Look at them " he pointed towards the old couple ." how happy they look, years later still deeply in love ."

" Do you believe in love Dr. Ahmed ?"

" Yes ."

" Even after everything, you went through ?"

" Whatever happened was meant to happen. In my previous relationship, there wasn't actual Love. it was just an attraction, you say it as infatuation which I misunderstood as love. when I caught her cheating with my best friend I did feel bad but the day she walked out of my life it felt as if a burden lifted off my heart. As if my heart learned to breathe again, learned to live again. "

" So you believe you will fall in love again?" she pulled her cardigan closer, as walked forward.

" I think I am falling," he whispered, looking at her . she turned back to look at him.

" Did you said anything, Dr. Ahmed ?"

" Did you hear something Miss Ali ?" she shook her head.

thank god I am safe.

He smiled as he waved it off  ." Good ."

She pulled out something from her bag and handed it over to him. " What is this ?"

" I thought doctors could read what's written? ''

he laughed," Seriously Miss Ali, who gives OFLEN gel to their fiancé as their first gift ?"

she raised her eyebrows, " I haven't agreed yet ."

" You haven't said no ."

" How are you so sure that I'll pretend to be your fiancé ?"

" I have a gut feeling telling me ."

she rolled her eyes at him as they both started walking. " Well, your gut feeling is wrong ."

"It's important for my daughter Seher ." her name. it sounds different when he says it. it feels personal, very personal. she doesn't know how to take those feelings . " you can compensate for last night ..."

" for hitting you ." she turned to his side, he nodded ." what were you expecting me to do when you call me your fiancé ? to come and kiss you ?"

" Any reaction was valid except assaulting my face ."

" and what's with you and your weird compensation deal you bring it up every time?"

" That gets things done in a way I want so you finally agreeing to this thing ?" she kept staring at his face. he huffed as he said ." Please I need Samaira's custody."

" Alright, I will ."


The surroundings were zooming out as they both in his car. she turned her head toward the window, to her surrounding. trees were rooming out, mountains were covered in white frosting, the Sun leaving behind its bits and pieces for its beloved Moon to occupy sky, peoples were in hurry.

Something seems to off inside her. Her mind replaying one name again and again. Samaira!

Looking at her no one could tell that she was traumatized in her house. Seems like fate pranked her by throwing her past in front of her but this time samaira was the victim of it.

Past. Her past defined her as the person now she was. Her own father broke her in such a way that she could never recover from it. That one night changed everything in her. That horrific night. His screams. Watching his blood smeared on her hands.....

" A penny of your thoughts Miss Ali ?"

she turned towards him, his eyes focused on the road, his hands curled in a firm grip on steering. 

" Do your past suffocate you ?"

he took a deep breath as he said " yes. till a point of time, it did ."

" Then what happened ?"

" I freed myself from them ."

" How ?"

" Past has no control over your present until you allow them to be so I stop pondering over my past, focused on my Present ."

" Is it that easy to stop them ?"

" No, Knowing that you have no control over what happened in past, knowing that you can't change them even if you on thinking, is the first step to freeing yourself from it.

" What if your present brought something from your past? Something grave secret ?"

" You fight them. The step to freeing yourself starts from here ." he pointed to his head . " determination. desperate to free yourself . " he pressed his foot on the brake. The car came to halt. " Finding something to distract yourself doesn't mean you are taking a break from them only to find yourself to dwell in them again. Break free from your thoughts. Speaking how you feel to your loved ones will help you. "

She kept everything bottling up ever since that incident . she couldn't speak to anyone. Rude, hate, thirst for money was all that she endured throughout her childhood. It was easy for her to find a distraction from her thoughts, then cut open the old wounds in front of her loved ones.

" Thank you, Doctor !"

" It's shehryar for you ." she raised her eyebrow.

" Shehryar ?"

" Have seen couples use honorific ?"

Her lips curved up ." Thanks for the ride Shehryar ."

" Do you want me to drop you inside ?"

" Why would I want you to drop me inside ?"

" What kind of man would be to let his beautiful fiancé walk up alone ?" He winked at her as she shook her head.

" Bye Shehryar ." she said in an everlasting sugarcoated voice.

" Haaya !" he kept his hand on his heart ." Now it looks like we are a couple ."

he watched her as she opened the door, walked out to the front door. she turned to look at him, giving the last smile as she walked in.

Your so doomed sherry !

He shook his head as he starts the car and rod off.


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