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They both sat in front of the fire place , watching the sticks turn into ashes at the heat of the flame . He still could remember his parents lifeless body . "what happened to Hamza ?" she voiced out .

" He is dead ." he reached to the tea cup which was probably cold by now .

"How ?"

" My Grandfather was retired military officers , when he got know that his daughter and son–in–law has been murdered , he used his influence and got him life-sentenced ." he ran his hand over the dog fur who was curled up on his master's feet. "Last time I heard he died due to heart attack in jail ."

She looked at him as he told her . How is he so calm ?Pondering over how had he handled  the pain he went through. How did he cope up with suffering he went through ?

But one thing was clear today , the man she met him at first time in his clinic was different , that man knew how to deal with pain , how to put an end to the suffering of other but the man whom she met now , was broken . He didn't know how  deal with the pain that was inflicted with himself it was as if there was a storm caged in himself while he was resolving others .

For once she yearned to hug him , to touch him , to let him know she was there for him . Yet she clenched her palm shut and turned her face .

" Did you eat something ?"

"Huh?" she turned look at him and shook her head .

he got up and walked towards the kitchen . " Are you allgeric to anything ?"

"Peanuts." She got up , walked over to the kitchen, and sat on the counter watching him cook .

"Then you probably need to stay away from the dog ." he point towards dog , licking his ball .

" why ?" she turned to look at the dog .

" His name is peanut ." his lips upwards but the expression her face was telling something else as she squinted at the ball the peanut was playing with .

Holly Molly . The Freaking Ball .

She got up from the counter and walked over to the place the dog scrawled . Before she could reach the ball , he took the ball and hid behind him .

"What are.."

" You look dehydrated , why don't you get some water ?"

" What are you hiding ?"

" Why would I hide something from you ?"

he walked backward as she took a step towards him . " Shehryar , let me see the ball ." he walked further back .

" No ."

His back hit the wall , crap Who build the wall here ? he clutched the stress ball tighter in his hand .

She was looking at him acting weirdly , What the heck is wrong with him ? she walked towards him , who staring at wide eye .

He raised his hand up , knowing she won't be able to reach up . "You just didn't do that ."

He could see smoke coming out of the her black hijab . " Oh I just did ."

He was 6.2 and poor she was 5.5 , the outcome was already known . It was fun to see her reilled up and fuming .

" Don't you dare sherry ."

"Oh I dare ."

In the process, they both didn't realize that they were close , more than ever been . He grazed into golden orbs , it wasn't as dark as it was before , there was a light in them . peace, calm, happiness . he was more than glad to see that . but it was something else to . something wanting him to stop the time , graze into her eyes . wanting him to hold her closer than before . wanting him to heal her .

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