Chapter 18

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I woke up suddenly from a nightmare, breathing heavily and with sweat dripping down from my forehead.

It was still dark, the only people awake were those that were on watch, making sure we didn't get caught off guard.

I heard the sound of footsteps behind me and grabbed my dagger, "Why aren't you asleep," my father asked, his cool voice was low as to not wake anyone else.

I gathered my senses and put the dagger back, "I could ask you the same thing."

He cocked his head to the side slightly, waiting for my answer. "Nightmares," I responded quietly, my head hanging low.

He sighed, "It's almost light, everyone will be waking soon. Try sleep or do something to preoccupy yourself," he walked away again, leaving me with my own thoughts.

I had gotten a substantial amount of sleep, that was new.

Sure enough a little later everyone started to wake up. Whatever was left of the fire was quenched and bed rolls were packed away, saddles were put back on horses and we were once again, on our way.

The general set a brutal pace but no one dared utter a word about it, we traveled over cobbled roads and dirt paths, trecked through rivers and mud.

We did this for about 2 days only stopping once for about 5 minutes to let the horses take a breather and fill up our water canteens.

We were on one of the secluded dirt paths when I felt myself start to nod off, exhaustion taking over my body. I started to slump forward, asleep, when I felt a hand pull me back so I wouldn't fall off.

"You're falling asleep," the Darkling commented, holding me steady.

I glanced at him with wiery eyes, "I am- not," I yawned in the middle causing him to smirk slightly.

He lifted me out of my saddle and onto his infront of him as easy as if I was a rag doll. He tied my horse to his and whispered in my ear, "Always so stubborn."

My eyes closed slightly but I forced them back open, "Sleep," he chided, pushing me into him so I could slump back and rest.

I didn't have much say in the matter as almost immediately my body gave in and I fell asleep in his arms.


It was dark when I woke up and I was amazed that my sleep wasn't burdened with nightmares like it normally was.

"Have a good rest?" The Darkling spoke softly behind me.

I nodded, my voice once again betraying me and not responding.

My horse that was trotting along beside us nickered softly, nudging my foot with her muzzle, the Darkling chuckled quietly, "I think someone misses you. Have you named her?" He asked.

I shook my head, I hadn't thought about giving her a name, "Really? Why not?" He asked slightly surprised.

I found my voice again, "It would make it harder when she eventually dies, they have such short lives compared to us, it's not fair," I sighed.

He nodded like he understood what it was like to watch the ones you love slowly grow old and die, while he carried on with his life. Little did I know, he did.

"Are you ready to get back on her?" He asked.

Reluctantly I nodded and let him lift me back onto the horse. I was well aware of the stares of the other Grisha but I pushed it to the back of my mind, not letting it bother me, he undid the rope that was connecting our horses and I was once again on my own.

The sun was just starting to rise when we rode into the camp by the outpost. It was inhabited by first and second army alike, but it was fairly obvious what the first army thought of Grisha, and I couldn't say I blamed them, why only a few months ago I had thought the same thing.

People cleared from the paths as we passed, and I could feel their stares on my back, whether it was because I was wearing a black kefta like the general, or because I was part Shu, I had no idea.

We rode into the stables where soldiers took our horses and I came to another rather ungraceful dismount.

The general was already giving out orders to our small group, most of us were to go to our tents and rest until dinner while he and a select few others had to attend a meeting.

He came up to me as everyone was getting their packs off their horses, "You can head back to the tent, I don't think the officers will take kindly to someone younger and smarter than them being at the meeting."

I nodded my head, I hadn't expected to be allowed at the war meetings, I was just a child after all.

"Follow Fredyor and the other back to the second army camp, they'll make sure you find the way," he explained, reaching up onto my horse and handing me my pack.

I did as he said without question, following Fredyor and everyone else that was to head back to camp.

I wanted nothing more than to explore around, but I thought that with it being in the border, I would most likely get in more trouble if I did.

We were all tired from the long journey, others more than me as I had gotten to sleep.

Fredyor pointed out the tent I was to go to as we passed by, I thanked him and said goodbye, heading towards the tent.

There was no doubting that it was the Darklings tent, while all the other tents we made of white canvas, worn down and tinged a dull gray, brown from mud and rain.

But this tent, this tent was twice as big and fully black. It was in the very middle of the second army camp, visible from everywhere.

It couldn't have been more obvious if it tried, but once again I was proved wrong.

The guards that were flanking the entrance gave me a suspicious look before letting me in.

The camp was semi-permanent, meaning that most buildings or main tents had at least one concrete wall and a wooden floor.

A black marble fireplace that was emblazed with the Darklings symbol, a sun in a eclipse, was built against the wall, a fire roaring and filling the tent with warmth, a comfortable couch and armchair were set up adjacent to it.

A desk with a lamp was stacked with papers, waiting to be signed. A canopy bed was on the far end of the tent, its black silks freshly washed and pressed. Across from it a small cot, with an even smaller table beside it, that I presumed was for me, had been hastily set up with a curtain to pull across to give privacy from the other bed.

The tent was surprisingly welcoming, I shouldn't have been as surprised as I was.

I put my small pack by my cot and took out the lone book I had brought. I laid down on the couch across from the fire and started to read, it would most likely be a while until my father was done with meetings, so I might as well catch up on some reading for my studies.

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