R.I.P That Sister Ayyyee

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(Brooklyn's POV)
(Age: 7)

I thrashed my way through the thick woods, rain pounding against me, and I gasped for air, never daring to look back.

My younger sister jolted uncontrollably on my back, but I didn't have the time to make sure it was a comfortable ride.

When the thunder of footsteps behind me faded, I slowed and I rested myself behind a tree.

I cradled my little sister in my arms, gazing down at her with a pitiful expression.

We're only kids - we shouldn't have to go through this!! I thought to myself and sighed.

"Don't you worry, Susie.. one day, I'll get us both a life worth living! We'll be amazing!" I held her above me and watched her face light up as she began to giggle.

This child was the world to me.

"Hey sissy?" The four year old motioned for me to put her down, and so I set her down in front of me. "What happened?" I bit my tongue, then huffed and tried my best to explain.

"Daddy.. and big bro.. don't like me very much. They also think I'm trying to hurt you," I began, "I'm finding us... a nicer daddy and big bro!" I closed off and she giggled again and started clapping.

I smiled softly, but the tender moment was cut short when voices arose from the distance.

"FIND THEM. THEY CAN'T HAVE GONE FAR!!" Someone commanded, and I scooped Susie up into my arms and stood up again.

That's when I realized she was coughing.

I lay her down straight, her spluttering becoming more like a cry for help by the second, and I started searching frantically through my pockets and the praying that there was anything that could help.

I clutched an inhaler from my small bag, and whipped my head around back to Susie.

When I pressed the inhaler to her lips, she was cold on the ground.

"N-no... no no no!! Sis!! This wasn't how it was supposed to work!" I grabbed her and shook her vigorously, "We were supposed to run away together!! Please get up!!..." tears gathered in my eyes and spilled down my cheeks as I hugged my little sister, sobbing.

A hand grasped my shoulder and tore me from the ground.

"There you are you little PEST." A tall figure spat, and took down his hood to reveal himself as my older brother, Daniel.

"S-Susie.." I gestured to her lying still on the ground,
"She won't move.. what happened..?!"

Daniel's eyes stayed locked on Susie's lifeless corpse for what seemed like all too long, then he turned back to me, furious.


"I-I only took her to protect her!!" I pleaded, but he threw me to the ground and I whacked my head on the tree.
I watched confused and petrified as he tied Susie up to the tree with some heavy rope, and then turned back to me.

"Leave her for the animals." He snarled as I wobbled to my feet. "I'll get you back home."

Before I could object, he clutched my wrist and dragged me back to the place I wish I'd never had to call 'home'.

Escape attempt 2: Complete fail.

Next time, though, I'm going to get out.
I know it.

For Susie.

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