Plan A (for Adoption)

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I made my way over to Mess Hall and jumped to grip the rope that hung from the ceiling.
I gave it a sharp tug and a ladder unfolded, leading to the attic.

I was told by Max that this was Mr Campbell's 'house'. Or like- government hideout or something.

I clambered up the ladder and timidly knocked on a drawer.

"Huh?- What is it? Who's there?" A gruff voice came from somewhere in the dark, and I traced my hands over the wall for a light switch.

Mr Campbell turned on a lamp next to his bed, sat up, and stared at me blankly.

"Uhhh.. what do you need kid."

"Well uh- I- um..."

"Spit it out or I'm going back to sleep."

"I-.... had a nightmare?-..." I spoke the first thing that came to my mind, and watched as Mr Campbell rolled his eyes.

"Oh well, it's not real. It was just a dream. Now go to your tent or something." He yawned and I pouted.

"It felt really real though!" I protested.

"I suppose you're going to tell me what it was about EVEN if I don't wanna know?"

"Not if you really don't give a damn.." I sighed and was about to climb down the ladder, when he groaned loudly.

"Whatever, whatever. I guess you can tell me."

"It was uhh.. about... my sister."

"Ok, so?"

"Wait, let me add a bit more context. My sister died when she was, like, 4." I held back a lump in my throat even thinking about it.

"Oh, wow, I uh-.... wow." Mr Campbell sounded like he wanted to give his condolences, but hadn't the slightest clue how.

"Yea.. it was about my brother chaining her to a tree in the thick part of the woods and dragging me away from her forever." My voice grew weaker as I went on.

"....dang, that sucks." He mumbled.

"...I need a hug." I replied in the same tone.

"Then, sorry kid, you've come to the wrong person. My community service doesn't start until PAST 5AM in the morning. Now go and get some sleep."

Did this have to be so difficult? Apparently so.

"Can I sleep on the floor in here?" I asked.

"You'll probably get stepped on in the morning."

"I don't really care to be honest." I laughed nervously, and eventually he caved.

"Alright, ok. Sleep on the rug."

"Thank you Mr Campbell!" I exclaimed, and set myself down for the night (aka early morning) on the rug.

"Well, you didn't give me much of a choice." He grumbled.

"I'm a manipulative little pest." I joked, hoping to get on his good side.

I've heard 'manipulative' tied to Mr Campbell quite often because of how he treats David, so maybe matching the man's characteristics would make him not hate me.

He did a single half hearted chuckle, before snoring loudly into the depths of his pillow.

Noisy bish.

Then again, if my plan was going to work I'd have to get used to it.

Very sad that he's my only option. I thought to myself and closed my eyes.

This could go one of two ways.

It could either work, or everything I'd worked for over the last 5 years would be crushed. 

How fun.

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