I'm safe.

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"Sooo.." Nikki started up a conversation with me and Nerris, "what are you two up to for the next few days?"

Nikki and Nerris kept giggling to one another.
Were they hiding something from me?
Did they know something I didn't?!

"Are you two up to something?" I asked, trying not to sound suspicious of them.

"Nooo!!" They both spoke in a jokey tone, making me more desperate to know what I was missing out on.

"Oh.. alright!" I wandered off and sat beside Harrison, Preston and Space Kid.

"Heya Brooke!!" Space Kid called cheerfully, and I tried to muster a smile.

"Something wrong darling?" Preston chimed.

I hesitated, then nodded slowly.

"Yea.. I just feel like Nerris and Nikki are hiding something."

"Oh no.. I'm afraid we can't say anything about that." Harrison muttered.

"So you know something about it?!" I asked sounding slightly aggressive, and he recoiled. "Sorry, sorry.." I mumbled.

"No biggie! Anyways, do you guys have the stuff?" He turned back to Preston and Space Kid.

"Yessiree!" Space Kid chortled.

"Indeed!" Preston said exaggeratedly.

"What am I missing?.." I asked, feeling low now that I knew I was missing out on something.

"You'll find out soon, dear! We promise!" Preston assured, but I was in quite a sad mood.

I nodded and exited the Mess Hall, and found myself on the dock, where Gwen was also perched writing a fanfic.

"Hey.." I muttered, gazing out across the lake to a gloomy island in the distance.

"You alright?" Gwen turned her attention away from her book.

"I'm just being left out. I think the campers have an inside joke or something."

Gwen paused, and I was considering the possibility that she was in on it too.

"Well, with all due respect kid, you DID join in the middle of summer. You've missed out on quite a chunk."

"...yeah. I suppose you're right. Besides, I can't expect everyone to let me in on their own secrets straight away."

"Exactly! You didn't lash out at anyone right?"

"Not exactly, no. I kinda got a bit mad but I didn't yell at anyone."

"Mk, good. Why don't you go and relax in your tent? I think the only activity for the rest of the day is trying to make a paper boat in Mess Hall. That's not for three hours though." Gwen suggested, and I agreed and bid her goodbye.

I'll find out at some point.. I assured myself, despite knowing full well that I'd do anything to protect my own secrets and past.


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