Camp Cult

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I woke up to the thumping of footsteps and someone gently shaking me, and I realized Campbell hadn't stepped on me.


He was pretty blunt, and basically just told me to go downstairs before anyone noticed me, so I could pretend I'd slept in the Mess Hall.

I agreed and headed down the ladder, nearly tripping on the way from hurrying.

I rushed out of the Mess Hall and back to Max's tent, where I threw myself down next to Nikki and pretended to be asleep.

Not noticing that a very pissed off Max had been watching.

"Where were you." He growled like an angry parent and I clung onto Nikki and gulped.

"Uhh.. getting.. coffee?..." I replied anxiously.

"For the majority of the night?!" He scowled.

".....if I said yes would you believe me?"

"You're an imbecile."

"Tell me something I don't know," I laughed and watched as his angry expression turned to a light smile.

"You're still not off the hook tho. We'll talk about this later."

"Fair enough." I replied as Nikki raised her head.

"I'm up, I'm up!" Nikki shot up as if she were late for school or something.

"Mornin' Nik!" I smiled at her.

"Morning!!" She smiled back cheerfully .

The three of us trailed outside where we found Neil.

"Neil! Think we should find the others? This place is freakishly empty." I called him over, and he joined us.

"Yea, I thought so too. I can't find anyone ANYWHERE!" He replied, scratching his head.

"Why don't we ask David?" Nikki suggested and pointed over to the merry redhead off in the distance.

"Perfect. YO DAVID," I signaled him over and he happily bounded over to us, "where's everyone else?"

"Oh, they're with Daniel!! He said he had camp activities planned!! He's over with the kids in the Mess Hall!" He replied, and the four of us turned to one another and exchanged the same anxious looks.

"We've gotta go. Now." I whispered, and we dashed off to the Mess Hall.

"DANIEL!!-" I yelled as Max kicked his way through the door and the three of us sprung in like FBI Agents.

To see Space Kid, Nurf, and Dolf inside looking completely fine.


Space Kid held up a selection of cheeses on a platter to Daniel, and he stroked his his helmet while we locked eyes.

"Confusion." Nikki said, reading our thoughts.

"Kids! Welcome!" Daniel greeted us cheerfully, and the other kids turned to us with dead-eye'd expressions.

"Welcome." They chorused in the same creepy tone.

"What the-" Neil was about to make a remark, when Max cut him off.

"What the fuck have you done with the other campers you weirdo?!"

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