Drunk Dylan :)

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This story DOES NOT contain smut but it's does contain kissing

I walk into mine and Dylan's kitchen where Dylan and all his friends are taking shots and getting drunk. Knowing Dyl he's already wasted. I walk over to him and I give him a kiss "woahhhhh what are you doing? I have a girlfriend. Gooo awayyyy" he says with a slurred speech as he pushes me away. "Dylan. I am your girlfriend. I'm Y/n remember?" I ask "oh damn. Sorry babyyyyyy I am very drunk. And your very cute wtf how are you so cute it's making me mad" he stretches his words. "Come one baby lets get you to bed." I laugh. I hold his waist and I pull him to walk with me. He slowly walks with me and starts talking "hey can you tell my girlfriend I love her? Wait no I should probably do that huh? What if she doesn't love me back" He drowns. My face drops as I look at him. He's never that he loves me before.... "um. Yea you should tell her yourself Dyl..I-" I start "Wait you just said that you are my girlfriend. Oh shit...that's funnnnnn" he says again as his speech slurs again. I lay him down on his bed and I put the blanket on him. Everyone else goes home within the next hour so I clean up and put all the glasses in the bin and wash everything up. I walk back to Dylan and I lay next to him and cuddle him and I slowly fall asleep.

I slowly wake up to the sun beaming through the curtains in mind and Y/n's bedroom. "Ugh my head" I groan. Y/n wakes up and looks at me "Hey... you ok?" She asks sweetly. God she's amazing. "yea I'm just hungover. Um. What happened last night?" I ask holding my head "um I'll go make you some breakfast come.." she offers, avoiding my question. We walk down the stairs and she makes me some toast and gets me some pain killers and water. "Here baby. Drink up" she smiles. "Thank you baby. I really do appreciate it" I kiss her head and eat my toast as I ask again "so, what happened last night" "um. Well you got drunk and danced and all like usual you know." She smiles awkwardly. There's something she's not telling me "Y/n I know when you're not telling me something. What else happened?" I ask worried. "Um. You told me to tell your girlfriend you love her... then you said "no wait that's something I should probably do huh?" And I um, yea" she trails off "fuck. Why did I say that?" I say loudly outing my head in my hands. "Oh," Y/n whispers with tears in her eyes. "Ill let you finish" she says softly as she walks away with tears down her face "no Y/n wait," I stop her and pull her towards me "that's not what I meant. I love you. Ok I do I really fucking do. I just didn't wanna tell you like that" I say wiping her ears away. She smiles and kisses me deeply. "I love you too"

Again ik its short but enjoy

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