bully (Thomas

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this chapter DOES NOT contain smut

y/n's pov
I walk over to my best friend Minho and I start making conversation when someone nudges my shoulder and calls out "Get lost loser. Honestly who would waste their time talking to you" I look over to see Thomas smirking and laughing as he runs off and over to he garden "ugh I'm so sick of him" I wine rubbing my shoulder "I can talk to him about all this is you want. He's been doing it ever since you got here which I mean you e been what? 4 months and he's still doing so I'll talk to him for you don't stress I-" Minho starts "no Minho it's ok really. The last thug I need is for him to come up to me and go 'got your little boyfriend to protect you now?' And clunk like that I really just need a break from him." I say as I start to walk to my hut. "Hey love. Whatcha up to?" Newt asks as he bumps my shoulder to say hey "hey Newt. I'm just gonna take a quick nap in my hut. I need a break from Thomas honestly" I admit

"you know he likes you right? The only reason he's doing all this is cause he's scared to be all nice and open with you cause he thinks you'll hurt him" Newt says as he slaps his mouth realising what he just said  "you weren't suppose to tell me that we're you?" I ask "no. Oh clunk I'm such a shank. I'm gonna go. And you go take that nap" Newt calls out as he runs off over to Thomas as I reach my hut I close he door and lay on my bed and I start to drift off when I hear the door open. Not knowing who it is I got up,turned around and I was ready to hit someone. But as I turn around I see Thomas "what do you want?" I ask annoyed as I put my hands down "Newt told me that he told you that I like you. And I do like you. I do ok. And he's right. I haven't been showing it hat was because I'm scared I'll get hurt and I'm sorry" he says sadly

"look Thomas if you think I'm gonna forgive you on the spot your crazy. If you really like me you have to prove it. And then maybbbbbe then I'll consider us being a thing. But right now... you haven't got a chance" I say confidently as I walk out of my hut with a smirk on my face

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