Page After Page // F.W.

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Warnings: my usual overuse of commas and semi-colons, books - who am I kidding? It's pure fluff.

Word count: 2.4k


Page After Page had never been a store that Fred Weasley ever thought to wander in. He could appreciate the art of reading; he could understand that there were some books out there that stay with you forever and change a part of you, but he had never been one to read. In all his life and in all the books he had read, he had never found the one book that stuck with him – that touched him in his very core.

With the opening of Weasley Wizard's Wheezes, he hadn't had the time to read since. George occasionally cracks open a book; willing to lose sleep to find out the plot twist, regretting it the day after when his eyes remain heavy and his yawns often. However, Fred hadn't read a book in so long which is why he never stepped foot into Page After Page once it opened just diagonal to their shop.

It's on a Tuesday in September when George asks him to visit Page After Page. They were experiencing their daily lull in customers as patrons were preferring to choose lunch over pranks. Understandable, Fred thought, but he would have appreciated a prank as well.

"Will you please go get Hermione's present?" George asks.

"What are we getting her again?"

"A book. I haven't figured out what, but we need to get her present soon. Can you go on your lunch?"

Fred nods, "Yeah, I can do. Do you know what she likes?"

"Romance, I think. Ron always complains when she reads a romance novel so get her one of those."

"George, you're a genius," Fred calls out with a laugh.

His twin replies with a laugh of his own, "It has been said."


The bell above the door to Page After Page chimes when Fred pushes it open; the scent of mulled wine and amber giving the shop a festive feel. He is immediately taken back by the sheer amount of books there are in this one small shop; shelves upon shelves are packed with paperbacks and hardbacks alike

"My sister-in-law's birthday is in a few days and I need to find her a gift. She loves books, but I don't know what type."

You laugh, "That's why I'm here. How can I help?"

Fred chuckles, "I know she likes romance novels. My brother – her husband – rants every time she's reading one."

You snort, "Well we have a wonderful selection of romance novels. Follow me and I'll show you."

You hear his footsteps close behind yours as you lead him to the romance section which is further sorted alphabetically. An organisation system you are very much proud of.

You turn to the tall redhead, gesturing to the four shelves of books, "This here is the romance section. We cater to both magical and muggle authors."

"What do you recommend?" Fred asks.

Your eyes widen at his question; despite being a bookshop owner, so few people asked you that question. Fred doesn't give you a chance to reply; rushing out, "I haven't read anything in so long that I don't know what's good anymore."

You grin at him, "Then we have two missions today: find a book for your sister-in-law and find a book for you."

"Don't you have to manage the shop?"

You shake your head, "No. Sylvia can manage without me whilst I help Diagon Alley's most famous resident."

"Most famous resident, aye?" He quips; a smirk gracing his lips.

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