Chapter 6

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"What are you doing here?" I asked him.

"Kira told me she thought something about you was off so I figured I'd stop by and check on you." Yuki said with a smile.

"That's very sweet, Yuki, but I'm fine. I don't need you to worry about me." I said, and then I started to close the door, but he stopped the door from closing as he placed his foot on the floor to prevent the door from being closed.

"And what is it that you don't want me to worry about?" He asked, poking his head through the door and giving me a strange grin like he knew what was up.

"Maybe I should have worded that phrase he thinks something's up, or maybe he already knows." I thought.

"Uh.....nothing." I said, and then Yuki pushed open the door and closed it behind him.

"I think it's depression." He said suddenly.

Uh oh....he hit the nail right on the head!

"Uh......maybe...." I said, and then turned around and started walking away, but I heard his footsteps following close behind me.

They stopped once I was back in my room-or our room, seeing as Kira and I shared it-and on my bed. Laying there on my back, I could see Yuki at my bedside, scrolling through something on his phone. Kira was on her bed.

"Are you gonna call Kori?" I asked.

"No. Why would I do that?"

"It's because she likes him. It's really obvious, Neon. Anyway, Yuki, what are you doing?" Kira asked, getting up and standing next to Yuki.

"Trying to see if I can do anything to help Neon. Maybe I should book her a therapy appointment."

"I don't need therapy." I said.

"Yes you do, Neon. You need some help before it's too late." Yuki said, and then Kira and I looked at him with stupefied looks on our faces.

Yuki must've noticed because he looked up from his phone and gave us confused looks.

"....What?" He said after a few moments.

"Didn't know you had it in ya to act like that, Yuki." Kira said as she grinned and playfully punched him in the arm.

"Who doesn't every once in a while?"

"Got me there." She said.

Yuki looked back to his phone and sighed.

"Ah...I can't find any good places for you. I guess you'll have to get a therapist some other time." Yuki said as he stuck his phone back in his pocket.

"Thanks anyway." I muttered.

"No problem, Neon. Friends should always help each other out.....unless there's a toxic friend, who I doubt would actually care. At least I'm not toxic."

"Yeah, but your Dad is." Said Kira as she crossed her arms and shook her head in disapproval.

"Yeah, but that's another story. See ya." Yuki said as he began to walk out of the room, and Kira followed after him.

Once they were outta sight, I got off my bed and followed them shortly after. I saw them talking to each other about Kori and I.

"Yeah, don't act like you don't like him either, Kira. It's very obvious you like him." I thought and watched as they smiled at each other. Of course, I know that smiling at your friend doesn't automatically mean you like them, but the looks on their seemed bright. Just a different kind of smile, I guess.

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