Chapter 15

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Neon's POV
Where am I?

Everything was completely dark.

The only thing I could see were those bright, piercing blue eyes I had gotten accustomed to, so I knew it was a nightmare.

Yet I couldn't remember the last time I had a dream.

The blue eyes grew closer until they were right in front of me. I had to shut my eyes because they were so bright.

Once the light faded and my eyes had opened, I still found myself staring into those blue eyes, but they seemed dimmer now. Not as bright as before.

Maybe it meant something.

Was it over? Have I beaten my darkness? No, that couldn't be it. I've had this darkness that I've battled, this depression, for years. There's no way it'll just go away, especially not like this.

"You think you can get rid of me, but you can't. I'll always be there." Were the words from my darkness.

"Didn't you already say that?"

"Something like it, yes."

"Alright. So now what do you want?"

"Can't believe I'm going to say this, but wake up." It said. A look of confusion crossed onto my face as I blinked a few times before responding to it.

"Wake up? You want me to wake up? That doesn't sound like you."

The darkness got closer to me. I don't know how, but something about the way it got closer to me made it seem like it was angry at me. I guess it was the way the eyes looked.

"Just do it. You'll see why soon."

Yup. There was definitely a hint of anger in that voice.

As soon as it said that, I thought I began to hear voices.

"They're coming."

Something changed. It's like my surroundings began to fade. Like I had begun to come out of this void I was stuck in, trapped with nothing but the darkness I held within me.

When I opened my eyes, my surroundings began to look like a hospital room. Adjusting to the light, I noticed that I actually was in a hospital room.

I started blinking my eyes as I sat up, trying to get them adjusted to the brightness. How long was I out for? I hope it wasn't too long.

I thought I began to hear voices, but when I looked at the door, it had opened at that moment.

The three familiar faces that belonged to Kori, Kira, and Yuki walked in. They were talking to each other and had their attention focused on each other.

As soon as they saw me, they looked surprised at first, but quickly began to smile.

Kira ran over to me and nearly tackled me in a hug. I was expecting some kind of reaction like this from Kira so it didn't throw me off, but remember your super strength, sis.

Once she let me go, Kori and Yuki hugged me next.

"It's nice to see you up, little flower." Yuki said once he released me.

"There he goes with the nicknames again..." I thought, but ended up nodding instead.

"What he said. Nice to see you're better, Neon." Kori said with a smile as he finally released me from his hug.

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