Chapter 10

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Kira's POV
After Mom told me what happened, I just couldn't believe it.

"C-Can we see her?" I asked after a few moments.

"Yeah. We can go now." Mom said as she began beckoning me away from the house.

"Wait!" Yuri said from the doorway.

We turned around to face her. She shook her head and stepped out of her front door.

"Let me drive you there. Kira's got all her stuff with her and I can't let you guys go there on foot. I'll drive you home, too." She said as she walked closer to us.

"Oh, no, Yuri. We can't ask that of you." Mom replied.

"Please, Himeko. I insist."

Mom shrugged but began walking towards Yuri's car.

"If you insist." She said.

Yuri began to smile as she unlocked the car for us. Then she ran back into her house, and when she came back out, she was walking outside with Yuki close behind her.

We opened the car doors. Yuri sat in the driver's seat, Mom sat in the passenger seat, and Yuki and I sat next to each other in the backseat.

"So what's going on? Is this about Neon?" He asked as he looked at me. He wore a groggy expression on his face as he asked me this. Then again, it's not like either of us expected to wake up this early or even for this to happen.

"Yeah. She overdosed."

His eyes widened immediately. He stared at me for what seemed like a few minutes as he finally rubbed his eyes.


"I don't want to believe it either, but it's true. We're going to the hospital now to see her." I replied, and then began to look out the window.

"We gotta get Kori! He should know about this."

"That's funny you mention that, Yuki, because I was just about to ask you guys about that." I heard Yuri say from the driver's seat, and after another turn, I saw a familiar looking road. The road Kori lived at.

Once up at his house and after putting the car in park, Yuri opened her door, stepped out of the car, and we saw her walking up to Kori's front door.

I saw her knock on the door. Ayame answered after a few minutes, and when I saw the two of them conversing, I saw Ayame's expression beginning to change. I couldn't hear what they were talking about or what was being said due to being in the car, but I could already tell they were talking about Neon.

I saw Ayame disappear into her house. Soon, Kori was standing at the front door. Yuri said something to him, and shortly afterwards, they were both walking to the car.

Yuri got back in the driver's seat. Once Kori opened the car door on my side, I sat in the middle now as Kori got in and sat next to me. He turned his head to me.

"So is this true, Kira? Neon overdosed?" Kori asked me.

"Yeah." I said as I nodded my head, then sighed and looked down at the ground.

I didn't hear a reply from Kori, so I guess he was looking out the window.

"I just hope she's alright..."

After a while, we finally arrived at the front of the hospital.

First, Yuki, Kori, and I got out of the car. Then we heard one of the other doors open, and when we looked to see who it was, Yuri got out of the car.

"One of us has to go in with you kids. Himeko can't since she's not wearing any shoes, and I doubt they'd let someone with shoes into the hospital unless it's a patient." She said as she walked closer to us.

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