Chapter 13

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Yuki's POV
The week's almost over now.

I woke up and began getting ready for school.

You might be wondering about my dream. To put it shortly, it was about....well, it was about Kira.

No, she wasn't sick or on the brink of death in my dream. It was just a...uh....a random dream where we were getting along well.

What? It's not important. Besides, we have other things planned for today.

After slinging my backpack around my shoulders, I walked into the kitchen to see my lunchbox on the end of the counter. I took what I had planned for my lunch out of the fridge, put them in the lunchbox after closing the fridge door, and then closed my lunchbox. I then unzipped my backpack, put the lunchbox inside, and zipped the backpack back up.

As I began to walk out the front door, my Dad put his hand on my shoulder and turned me around.

"I don't want you talking to Kira anymore, son." He said.

"Why not?" I asked.

"She's a bad influence on you."

I turned around and opened the door.

"You're talking about yourself." I said as I started walking outside. I could hear him yelling behind me, but I didn't care.

I wasn't wrong. Dad doesn't like Kira because she's a tomboy, but he's the guy who'll talk bad about me, my Mother, and the rest of my friends behind our backs.

Pretty hypocritical if you ask me.

But either way, I started walking down the sidewalk. I met up with Kori, but due to what's been happening lately, Kira wasn't there.

"Hey Kori. Where's Kira?" I asked. Kori shook his head and looked at his phone.

"She said she was getting ready for school and she'd be here soon. I think we should start walking to school without her and wait for her to show up once we're there." He said as he slid his phone back into his pocket.

"Then let's see if she shows up." I said as we began walking down the sidewalk together.

Halfway to school, we finally heard Kira's voice behind us.

"Wait up!" I heard her say. When we turned around to face her, I could see her appearance was even more disheveled than the day before.

"Poor girl. We've gotta help her somehow." I thought as I sighed when I saw her walk up to us.

"The only problem is how."

She was soon standing between us as we walked to school together. I gave her a few glances every now and then, but she still looked tired. In fact, she looked even more exhausted up close than from far away.

When we finally arrived at school, the first thing we did was walk into our classroom and sit down at our desks.

"Did you get enough sleep last night, Kira?" I asked.

Kira slowly turned her head to me and nodded.


I got up from my desk, stood in front of hers, and placed the palm of my hand on her forehead.

"I said I got enough sleep, Mom." Kira said, a hint of annoyance in her voice as she quickly took my hand off her forehead, beginning to blush a little as she turned away from me.

"Just checking." I said as I sat down at my desk.

Soon after, Shelby walked into the room.

You could already guess that this wasn't going to go well.

TightropeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora