Chapter 3

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I walk up the steps to the house with my head held down. I get in the house and drop everything and hug Peeta.

"My biggest fear that haunts me in my dreams. It came true." Say between gasps.

"Oh Katniss." Peeta says as he hugs me tighter. "We'll find her."

After I make dinner and put Cinna to bed I go into Peeta's and my room. Peeta's already in bed and under the blankets but he's still awake. I assume waiting for me. Before I settle in bed I go into the bathroom get changed and brush my teeth and wash my face. I come back and see that Peeta is still in the same position. I crawl under the sheets with him and sit up. I'm still thinking about Willow. How I couldn't find her and that she could be anywhere. Peeta can tell I'm still sad and worried. He wraps his arms around me and I curl up next to him.

"It's going to be alright, Katniss."

"I hope."

I couldn't fall asleep Peeta went to sleep but I was still wide awake curled up next to him thinking about Willow. I look at the clock. It reads 3:00am.

I don't remember anything after that because I must have fallen asleep because before I knew it, it was 5:00am.

I get up carefully so I don't wake Peeta but he wakes up anyways.

"Where are u going?"

"Out to look for Willow." I whisper.

"But it's so early."

"I know but I want to find her today."

"I'm going with you." Peeta insists.

"Fine. I'll get Greasy Sae to babysit Cinna."

Peeta and I get up and get ready and in no time we are out the door to the hob. We get to the hob and ask if Greasy Sae if she can babysit Cinna.

"Of course I'll babysit Cinna." She says with smile.

"Thanks so much." I answer.

The first place I decide to look is my old house.

The house is still a pile of ashes. But I look anyways. Peeta and I call her name. Buts there's no response.

I look into the woods. I'm hoping she didn't run into the woods because it's dangerous.


"Yes." Peeta responds

"I'm going to look in the woods."

"Okay. I'll go with you."

"Thanks." I feel safer that Peeta's going to come with me.

It feels like and hour or two went by of Peeta and I calling Willow's name. That's when I hear a voice.

Thanks for reading!! Hope you like it I'll try to update everyday. Please comment on what I could improve on.

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