Chapter 10

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"Katniss." I hear Peeta say gently rubbing my shoulder.

"Morning." I mumble sleepily turning over slightly to face him.

"Morning." he responds. Pecking me on the lips. I smile. You didn't have any nightmares last night."

That's right I didn't. I actually slept peacefully. That's really rare.

"I didn't. It's nice to have a peaceful sleep once and a while." I say, resting me head on Peeta's chest listing to his heart beat.

Peeta starts to get up but I hold on tight to his arm not wanting him to go so soon.

"Peeta will you stay with me?"

"Of course, always." he answers getting back under the covers with me. I move closer to him and rest my head on his chest and close my eyes.

"Do you want to go into the woods together?" I ask breaking the silence.

"Sure. That would be nice. "

"Okay I'll call Haymitch to watch the kids." I say getting out of bed and walking toward the phone.

After I called Haymitch I told Peeta he would watch the kids and start to get ready.

I braid my hair back in its normal braid and put on my hunting boots and my father's hunting jacket and grab my game bag. By the time I'm ready Peeta is ready too. We walk out into the comfortable spring breeze.

We walk for a while in the woods in silence, but a comfortable silence.

"Have you ever thought of having another kid?" Peeta blurts out of nowhere. I'm caught off guard on that question, so I don't answer I just keep walking. Trying to decide what to say.

"Have you?" Peeta asks interrupting my thoughts.

"Umm...well...I never really thought about it." I respond looking at the ground. "I'm happy with Willow and Cinna. But if I were to decide now then yes. I would." I say looking up at him.

"You would?"

I nod in reply and continue waking to the hill where Gale and I used to sit and talk.

Still the memories flood back to my mind even if it wasn't a special place in the woods.

Peeta and I sit at the edge of the hill and look out into the vast forest in the valley below as I rest my head on his shoulder. I still wonder what would have happened if Gale and I ran away into the woods. No I know what would have one would volunteered for my sister.

Near noon I get up and walk away to the snare line that will take an hour and a half.

"Where are you going?" Peeta asks standing up.

"Oh I'm going to check the snare line for Hazel." I respond. "You can come."

"I'll come."

After I collected and reset the delicately set snares made by Gale I check the fish net he invented in the stream. By the time we are done I have five rabbits, eight squirrels, and dozen of fish.

Hazel answers her door right when I knock.

"Hi Katniss and Peeta it's great to see you!" She says happily. "Do you want to come in?"

We accept her offer and come in and sit at the table. I set my game bag on the table and tell her that it's all for her.

"Really?" She says. "This is too much for me. It feels like I have to repay you."

"No it's fine. I should take Rory out to teach him how to hunt. But I can never find the time."

"Well thank you so much!" She answers giving Peeta and I a hug. "Do you want some tea or anything?"

"No thanks we should get going."

"Of course!"

We wave good by and walk home. We step in the door at our house and Cinna comes running to hug us.

I hug him and kiss him on the top of his head and Peeta does the same.

"How were they?" I ask Haymitch who is sitting on the couch.

"They were good." He answers nodding his head getting up to leave.

"You don't have to leave. You can stay if you want." I offer.

"That's okay. I rather go home. Thanks anyways." He responds as he walks out the door.

Once we are settled I sit Cinna in his high chair for lunch and call Willow. When she comes in I ask if she wants some Mac and cheese. She nods her head early and sits down at the table.

When we are done eating Willow goes outside to feed her goat while I'm struggling to feed Cinna.

"Please Cinna can you eat your Mac and cheese?" I plead taking a spoon full and trying to give it him, but he just pushes it away.

"Peeta?" I turn to him frustrated.

"I'll feed him" He offers.

"Thank you." I say relived.

Peeta picks up the spoon and Cinna eats it no problem.

"Sure he eats it for you." I say annoyed going upstairs.

•thank you so so much for reading I almost have 800 reads!! And sorry this part ended abruptly. I'll be updating soon!•

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