Chapter 12

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I wake up in Peeta's arms and looks at the clock 8:17AM. When the time becomes more clear in my sleep filled eyes I start to panic.

"Peeta." I whisper loudly nudging him on his arm.


"Peeta." I say a bit louder again nudging him in the arm.

"What Katniss?" He asks sleepily.

"We have to pick up the kids." Peeta glances at the clock. "It's only 8:19 and don't forget they packed overnight stuff just in case."

"Oh that's right." I say remembering snuggling back into Peeta's strong loving arms soon falling asleep again.

~couple weeks later~

I come home from dropping the kids off at school hang up my coat and take my boots off.

I sit down next to Peeta watching him eat breakfast.


"Yes, Katniss, is there something wrong?" He asks.

I nod my head looking down. "Peeta. I'm late."

"What do you mean?" He says confused.

"My period. I'm late. I think I may be pregnant."

"That's great! isn't it?"

"I don't know. I know we talked about it but..." I say trailing off.

"But what?" Peeta asks.

"But we didn't throughly talk about it. And I don't know I can handle three kids."

"Katniss you can do it. Willow and Cinna are very happy with you."

"I don't know...I'm normally out in the woods and your home." I frown.

"You'll be home more often. Once you have another."

"It's true." I say thinking. "I like the name Rye."

"I like that name too." Peeta agrees.

I smile. " I like the name Mae for a girl"

"That's a beautiful name they are both beautiful."

~9 months later~

"He so beautiful." I say looking up at Peeta.

"The nurse comes in and asks us the name.

"His name is Rye." I say smiling looking down at him. "Welcome to the world Rye."

~ one month later~

"Peeta I'll be back. Take care of the kids." I say kissing his cheek.

I step out into the crisp cool autumn breeze in my father's hunting jacket, hunting boots, and game bag. I walk up to the fence and look back. I see my old house in the seam. I walk over to the pile of ash and and look around. The memories of the rebellion come flooding back to my mind. I slump against the most sturdiest structure and cry. I think about all the lives lost and I'm the one who caused it.

Once I calm down I get up and scurry into the woods, the place of safety and peace. I retrieve my bow and arrows from the hallow log and start to hunt for prey.

After a while I have five squirrels in my game bag. I go over to the pond a clean them. I hear leaves crunch behind me. I immediately stop what I'm doing and in one swift motion I'm ready to let my arrow fly at the intruder. I look around fully alert. All of a sudden a cloth goes over my nose and mouth and everything goes dark.

•thanks so much for reading! And thank you so much for over a thousand reads it means so much! What do you think happened to Katniss?

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