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Avery's POV

"What is it even called?" I asked, peeking over Zoe's shoulder to watch her as she scrolled through the app store. "It's called 'Tease'. Slightly cringey..." She laughed as we watched the app install. "Okay done!" She squealed, before opening the app and signing me up. "Oooh, it's time to do your profile. Description? Flirty, hot, amazing in be-" 

"Zoe!" I snatched the phone from her and burst into fits of laughter. 


After a few hours, me and Zoe had drunken ourselves silly and were messing around playing 'Just Dance' on the Wii. "Avery, your phone is going off! Maybe that's a potential date." She winked to me as I rolled my eyes and checked my phone. "I've got 10 replies!" I was shocked. I didn't expect anyone to actually take an interest to me. 'See, I told you people would like you. Let's see then!" We crowded round my phone to scroll through the 10 potential dates. "Ew," we skipped a 50 year old man. "No way!" Another old man. "Ooh, he's cute!" We stopped on the third potential, a young man called Luke Hemmings. "Loves music, Australian, plays guitar! That's definitely a match for you. Press the tick!" Zoe was probably more excited than I was. Pressing down on the little green tick, a message popped up on the screen. You just let Luke Hemmings know you liked him back, message him now? 

"Message him now!" Zoe ordered. "Let's keep looking." I told her, cancelling away the message and scrolling through the others. "Ashton Irwin. If you don't tick him, I definitely will." 

"Alright alright, I'll tick him!" I laughed as we ticked the box. You just let Ashton Irwin know you liked him back, message him now? We clicked the box away. "Last one.." We skipped once more and landed on an empty profile. "Oh. Must be a glitch." As I swiped away, a message popped up on the screen. You just let --- know you liked him back, message him now? "Umm, okay?" I turned round to face Zoe. "Must be a glitch, just press it off." 


After waking up the next morning, I checked my phone and saw that I had two new Tease messages. 

Luke Hemmings: Hey. I see you liked me back :D Can I take you out sometime soon? Love, Luke. x

Avery Cole: Sure! That'd be nice :) We can arrange a date. 

"Seems nice." I whispered to myself before scrolling to the next message.

Ashton Irwin: Hey Avery, you liked me back?! :) We should grab dinner or something, let me know if you'd like to. 

Avery Cole: I did like you back :) I'd love to grab dinner. 

As I was about to close the app, a new message appeared.

"Hello, Avery. I see you're online."

Opening the message to see who it was, I noticed it was the same profile with no information last night. Ignoring the message, I felt my phone vibrate in my hands.

"I know you've seen my message, Avery."

Immediately closing the app, I locked my phone, got up and walked to the bathroom. My heart was racing as I looked in the mirror. I'm sure, it's just a glitch. Just a glitch. Just..a..glitch. I felt my heart beat soften and I relaxed a little as I repeated the words in my head. "Just a glitch." I whispered to myself out loud. My phone vibrated from the top of the sink, so I grabbed it to read the message. 

"I'm not a glitch, Avery."

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