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Avery's POV

"I know a restaurant is a bit cliche, but I thought you might like it here." Ashton smiled at me. "Oh, yeah. It looks nice." Smiling back in return, I sat down on the chair opposite Ashton. "Shall we get something to drink?"


Once the awkwardness had faded away, I found out that Ashton worked in a bank, loved music, enjoyed going to the gym, grew up in Australia and lived alone in his small apartment. "What about you?" He asked, putting every bit of his attention on me. "Uh, well I like music too, I like reading, I grew up in England, then moved out here when my best friend, Zoe, and I were 18. I don't know what I want to be yet, so I just work in a bookshop, nothing big." He nodded his head at me and smiled. "You are quite interesting, Avery." Sliding my chair out slightly from the table, I got up to go to the bathroom. "I'll be right back." I nodded to Ashton, leaving him at the table.


"Ave?" I heard a distinctive voice call me from behind just as I was about to walk into the toilets. Turning round to see who called me, my heart started to pound as I saw who it was. No. It can't be. "Ave, wait please." He grabbed my wrist and pulled me back before I could get away. "No, Danny." I spat. "Please, I need to explain."

"I don't care. You have nothing to explain." I whispered sharply, attempting to force my wrist out of his grip. "Wow," he scoffed. "You really haven't changed a bit. Just please, hear me out."

"Danny, I really don't want to know. You hurt me. Broke my heart. Just please, leave it alone." The burning tears prickled my eyes as my brain re-ran the moment that my first love shattered my heart. "I just need to-"

"No!" I shouted, causing the restaurant to fall in silence. "No Danny," my voice hushed. "You only care about yourself. You disappear for almost 2 years, then come back and tell me 'you need to explain'. It's too late for that. You should have thought about 'explaining' before you betrayed me and ran." A tear drop trickled down my cheek, as I felt Ashton come and stand beside me. "Is everything okay here?" He asked sternly.

"Yes, it's fine." Danny spat. We stood in silence for a moment, before I stepped towards Danny and whispered to him. "Just leave me alone." Pushing past him, I rushed to my table and grabbed my things. "I'm sorry Ashton, I have to leave early."

"Is everything okay? Who was that?" He questioned as rested his hands on my arm. "I'm really sorry. We can do this another time?" I sadly smiled to him, before giving him a small kiss on the cheek and leaving the restaurant.


"Who even bailed him out?" Zoe scoffed, shoving her spoon into the cookie dough flavoured ice cream in front of us. "I don't even want to know." I shrugged. "Poor Ashton though. I bet he didn't have a clue."

"Oh well, at least if he asks you out again you know he definitely likes you." Zoe laughed. "Are you okay though?" I heard the seriousness in Zoe's voice. "Yeah, although I can't tell what hurts more. The fact he was a complete arsehole or that there was a girl with him at the restaurant."

"Look," Zoe sighed. "I know that you think you and Danny have this 'unbreakable' connection, and honestly I understand that, but after tonight do you still really think you're in love with him and that he still loves you back?"

"I really wish I knew the answer to that Zo."


Unknown: Ouch. Tonight hurt, didn't it Avery?

I felt my body shiver as I read the messages, chills sparking inside my body. I couldn't help but wonder who was sending me these messages.

Unknown: You still love him, don't you?

Setting my phone down on my bed, I watched for what felt like an hour as the 3 little dots told me that 'unknown' was typing.

Unknown: Don't be worried Avery, I can teach him a lesson.


authors note:

i updated again tonight as i probably won't be able to update this week until friday, i'm sorry pls don't hate me

so what do you guys think of danny? what do you guys think he did to break avery's heart? and how do you think 'unknown' is going to 'teach him a lesson'?

i love reading what you guys think is going to happen!

ily all and have a good week, see you on friday!

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