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okay i just wanna clear up that this is what the characters look like

avery: victoria justice
zoe: kiersey clemons
danny: casey deidrick

and obviously everyone knows cal,luke,ash and michael so were cool (if u search up the actors, then you'll get a better image in your head about the characters)


Avery's POV

Pushing my headphones in, I set off running from my apartments front door. Breathing in deep, I took in the usual surroundings that I saw everyday, and let myself appreciate everything I saw. As I made my way round the small park that was outside my apartment, daydreams filled my head.

"Danny stop!" I giggled, pushing Danny away from me playfully. Danny grabbed my waist and spun me around, then pulled me in closer and hugged me from behind. "You know, I would love for you to meet my friends." He smiled, kissing my forehead.

My daydream crashed to an end as I felt myself collide with someone. "I'm so sorry!" I gasped, looking up to meet Luke's eyes. "Oh, Luke!" I smiled with relief. He smiled in return. "Hey, nice to bump into you like this." He raised his eyebrows at me, exaggerating the word 'bump'. I shook my head at his dry humour, and couldn't help but laugh a little. "See!" He teased. "You do find it funny."

"Okay okay," I raised my hands in defeat. "Maybe a little." A smile plastered his face as I admitted it. "Anyway, it was nice seeing you but I need to be somewhere. We can meet again soon I hope?" He smiled, before rushing off round the corner.


As I jogged back up the small steps outside my apartment, I noticed a thin, rectangle-shaped present was left on the doorstep. Picking it up, I saw the label read my name, in the same black font as on the envelope. My heart pounded against my rib cage as I slowly walked into my apartment, locking the door behind me. Just throw it away. As I was about to drop the present in the bin, Zoe walked in and made me jump. "What are you doing?" She asked. "Oh, nothing, just throwing away the wrapper." I dropped the present and the bang of the cardboard box echoed around us. "That didn't sound empty..."

"It was just a heavy box." I hated lying to Zoe. What made it worse was that she always figured out if I was lying. "What was in it?" She smiled. "Your birthday isn't for weeks." Why did she have to be so damn nosey? "My mum just sent some things from the UK. Early birthday present." I nodded, walking quickly into my room to avoid any more questions from her.


Zoe's POV

Why is she being so sketchy? I couldn't help but be a little worried. Checking Avery wasn't around, I went and grabbed the present from the bin. Ew. Guilt was pulsing through me as I debated with myself if I should open it. I took a deep breath in and gently ran my hands across the wrapper. My eyebrows furrowed in when I noticed something. The wrapper hasn't even been opened. That was enough to let my curiosity get the best of me. My nail ran along the edge, ripping the paper. Just before I could open it, Avery grabbed the box from me. "What the hell Zoe?!" She yelled. "I-I-I..." I stuttered. "Wow." She scoffed. "I'm sorry!" I half-heartedly shouted. "Sorry? Sorry for what? Invading my privacy? Or is it for not trusting me? Or maybe for just being rude?!" As Avery crossed her arms, the box partially opened and what seemed like about 10 photos dropped out. "What are they?" I asked impatiently. "What the..." Her hands were shaking as she picked one of the photos up.

"I-I-Is that Dan-" My throat tightened up as I caught a glimpse of the photo she was holding. Silence was filling the room as her hand covered her mouth. Looking over her shoulder, I couldn't help but gasp. "Oh my god..."


Avery's POV

The photo in my hand was a photo of Danny. Not just a normal photo like before. He was bruised, beaten, bleeding, tied up. "Is this r-recent?" Zoe asked. I couldn't respond. My throat felt as if it had closed up when my eyes scanned the floor, looking at the rest of the photos. A piece of white paper caught my attention, so I grabbed it and let my brain take in the words that were printed in the same, thick, black print.

"Is he worth saving?"


Danny's POV

My eyes burnt as another flash of light hit my skin. "Smile for the camera." The cold voice spat, making me jump. Another flash. "Please...stop." I pleaded. To my surprise, the flashing stopped. After what felt like hours, a red flashing light appeared less than a few meters away from me. "Danny McCall." I felt a cold breeze rush past me as the voice spoke to me. "Bailed out from jail 3 months ago on probation."

"How do you know that?" I whispered, panicking more than before. "Drug abuse, am I right?"

I stayed silent, focusing on my breathing that I could barely control. "Am. I. Right?!" The voice screamed, startling me. "Yes." I mumbled. A hand grabbed my jaw, pulling my head back. "Speak up." Their breath brushed against my face. "Yes." I hesitantly agreed. I heard a chair squeak, so I assumed that they sat down.

"You set her up."

I couldn't help but laugh. "Set her up? She had it coming." I felt a sharp pain across my face, stopping me from laughing. "You pinned everything on her. Such a shame you made a stupid mistake." Their voice was laced with sarcasm, as they grabbed my hair and pulled my hair back again. "Stupid mistakes can haunt you for a lifetime."

"I know, Avery is haunting me." I grimaced, my neck starting to ache. "How far did you think you'd get with your ridiculous plan? You knew the police would find you. Running from them when you almost got caught. Your apartment was full of them, needles, drugs. You left Avery there to take the fall, didn't you? You almost got awa-"

"How do you know this?!" I interrupted. My neck got snapped back even further. "You almost got away with it." They snarled, pulling my hair tighter and causing me to gasp in pain. "Stupid boy." My head got pushed back, and I felt the blood rush back into it. "You know why they caught you, don't you?" I exhaled, closed my eyes and tried to shut out the voice. "Don't you?!" They chided. "They found my DNA on an injection needle."

"Speak. Up."

"I said, they found my DNA on an injection needle."

The voice's laugh echoed around me as they broke into hysterics. "It seems as if you had it coming, Danny." Shivers flowed around my skin as the blunt side of a cold knife was traced around my neck. "Now, the real question is..." I felt their arm snake around my neck, as the sharp edge was placed into my skin.

"Does she think you're worth saving?"


authors note:

hey! how is everyone?

what do you thinks going to happen now? i actually hate danny so much ahahaa

tysm for so many positive comments, votes and messages! ily all so much and ill see you next friday :) have a lovely week!

ily x

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