Fafnir in DxD

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I know Fafnir exists in DxD, but I don't care. Besides Fafnir has black scales not gold ones so.


Deep in the wilds of Norway a seal over a thousand years in age, finally broke. A powerful beast awakening from it's slumber, letting loose a earth-shaking roar

Your POV:

It's been over a thousand years since the day the Norse Gods sealed you in that wretched place, however it was thanks to that time that you could think. You saw that you were the one at fault and things turned out this way because of your greed. However, you felt a sense of emptiness, your home long gone those who you wished to ask for forgiveness long dead. Letting out a sigh, you transformed into a more human form.

Sprouting a pair of wings, you take to the skies to find peace with yourself

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Sprouting a pair of wings, you take to the skies to find peace with yourself.

One month later

You had continued traveling southeast, feeling the presence of multiple dragons. You wished not to draw attention to yourself, however that was impossible as a spear of light strikes you. Looking ahead of you a nuisance makes itself known going on about blaming God. Paying the creature little mind you continue, as another light spear flies at you, simply swatting it away. Turning your eyes glow red as you reach into the air grasping it. Out of thin air a blade materializes, one of your few treasures left your cursed sword Dainsleif. Charging foward you bisect the fallen, your rage subsiding, you continue onward.

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