Acnologia x DxD

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DxD is really easy to use, you can slap anything in a sacred gear and it works. As long as their was some sort of magic or magic like ability it just works.


This was it your chance at revenge against the Phenex Clan. The memory of your burning home, the perp having that blond hair and dark blue eyes. Through years of work you had finally found them, and through Sirzechs you finally had a chance at his head. All you had to do was agree to free his precious baby sister from her marriage by beating Riser, you'd kill two birds with one stone. You'd be able to kill Riser without causing a war, and you would get a favor from Sirzechs Lucifer. Entering your stance a buzzer goes off as Riser takes off with his flaming wings and begins charging a large fireball in his hands. Focusing yourself the tattoos scattered about your body began to change from black to a light blue as the power of Acnologia awoke in you.

"Riser will end you in one attack pathetic human!" Riser screamed as he chucked the fireball at you. As the ball of hell flames drew closer and closer you kept you calm demeanor as the attack made contact, exploding on impact.

Riser thinking he had won began to go into a laughing fit and began taunting, "This was you upper limits? Riser barely had to do anything, you were weaker than that excuse for a Red Dragon Emperor."

Before Riser could continue his attack began to shrink, eventually revealing you absorbing the attack into your mouth. Eventually the flames were all but gobbled up, as you let out a breath of air. Widening your stance a large concentration of magic began to form near your mouth, and then it all released as a spiraling wave of energy hurdled towards Riser. Raising his wings to defend himself the attack launches him backwards towards a wall, his momentum cut short by the impact. Blood drips from his mouth as his clothes are tattered and and cuts litter his body. They begin to heal, but you wouldn't give him a chance to rest. Calling forth more power your muscles bulge, your teeth sharpen, your hair growing to your lower back, and you leap forward. To everyone else it was almost instant, for you it was as if time had slowed. You were winning, and it felt damn good. Concentrating mana to your hands, they are coated in a blue energy as you bury your hand deep in Riser's gut as he spews out saliva. Enraged Riser latches both of his hands to your forearm and begins to apply his flames. Ignoring the singeing feeling you use this opportunity to lift Riser over your head and slam him into the ground. His grip loosens as his arms fall limply to his side as his eyes grow hazy. Planting your foot on his chest your grab his left arm, and with some slight effort rip it right off. Riser's eyes snap open as he lets loose a blood-curdling scream. However, you weren't finished yet and repeated the process on his remaining three limbs. Riser's eyes were filled with fear, his healing had been greatly slowed and he didn't know why, but you did. Through the foot on his chest you were applying mana to the injuries to block the healing, but it couldn't completely halt the process. However in a few seconds that wouldn't matter. You began focusing your mana into your hand again, but this time giving it shape. A sword seemingly made of crystals formed in your hand. Taking the hilt of the blade your swung to cut off the head of this bird, but before you could a voice screams out at you.

"Please don't, don't kill my brother!"

Looking up you could see Ravel Phenex with tears streaming down her face. Beyond that however you saw yourself, in that same situation all those years ago. Cursing yourself for the kindness you were about to show you drive your foot hard into Riser's ribs cracking a few as his body lands next to his baby sister. The sword in your hand dematerializes and reenters into your body as a magic circle forms under your feet. In a flash of light you disappear and head home.

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