Red Hood X MHA

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The picture above is the inspiration for this character, but instead of just blades he also uses guns.


The heroes are too soft, just putting the criminal behind bars isn't enough. They'll get out and start more trouble, kill more people. The best way to deal with them is to make sure they don't come back.

It was a quiet night in Musutafu. A man was going home after working overtime. He quickly moves the quiet streets trying to get home as quickly as possible. As he turns a corner he's suddenly stopped by a larger male. His face is covered but his hands gleam in the streetlights, claws on his fingertips. The worker stumbles back seeing the claws nearly scratch open his eyes. He begins running adrenaline carrying him forward. Running into an alley trying to lose the perp he runs into a dead end. Turning he sees his assailant walking closer and closer. As he's about to strike he suddenly stop as his arm goes limp and the life in his eyes drains away. The perp falls forward as blood pours from a wound, standing at the other end the alley a man holding a smoking gun can be seen. The worker hurriedly runs out the ally past the man. The mystery man steps into the light. His face can't be seen due to the red mask on his face a tattered white cloak covering his armor. Strapped to his back are two swords. Walking forward he holsters his pistol. As he begins walking towards the corpse he's suddenly wrapped in a cloth.

"So your this vigilante that's been killing villains. I'm going to have to take you in." A tired voice spoke from the darkness. Stepping from the shadows a man who's eyes scream for sleep could be seen. As the tired man was about to slap on the cuffs, the masked man suddenly pulls a pin from something on his waist as a cloud of smoke burst forth.

The masked man jumped forward planting both his feet on the tired man's chest twisting he begins to spin in the air untangling himself from his restraints. Landing gracefully to face his opponent.

"You'll have to do better than that Aizawa." Spoke the masked figure in a distorted voice.

The figure crouched down and begins leaping between the walls at immense speed, landing kicks from all directions at Aizawa. He then lands behind him throwing forth a flurry of punches and finishing the combo with a devastating uppercut.

Aizawa is slowing fading in and out of consciousness as the masked figure walks towards him. Just before he passes out he hears him speak.

"Remember the name Red Hood."

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