Son of Yujiro Hanma x Kill la Kill

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A crazy strong teenager in a world of other crazy strong teenagers. What could possibly go wrong.


From birth you weren't normal, however being a Hanma that was expected. After you were born you gripped the doctor's finger and broke it. By age 13 you could bench-press a truck, and out speed any runner in the world. Things only got weirder after you started at Honnouji Academy. The class system was strange, but you respected that the strong dominate the weak. it's how you grew up so you didn't question it. However, you had been itching for something to do, someone to challenge your skill and talent. That chance would come in the form of an angry teenage girl out for vengeance. You watched as the now dubbed Ryuko was sent flying back by the punches of the Boxing Club President Takaharu Fukuroda. Deciding that this was enough you leaped forward before his next attack could land, holding out your hand his punch stops within your palm your heels digging into the dirt as you slide back a few inches.

"So you've finally shown your true colors, Son of the Ogre." Satsuki yelled out with her ever authoritative tone.

Looking forward with a smirk you drive your fist into Fukuroda's chest sending him back slightly as his eyes widen in surprise. Widening you stance you prepare for combat, your hair begins to stand on it's own, your eyes glow red, and a wicked smile crosses your face. Charging forward you prepare your next attack, but before you close the distance Fukuroda throws a flurry of jabs towards you. Instead of blocking your gracefully leap into the air soaring twenty feet into the air. Landing behind your opponent you swing your left leg into his back and drive him into the ground. You prepare to finish Fukuroda with an axe kick, but before you can execute the maneuver Fukuroda lands a surprise uppercut. Without hesitation you swing your leg down onto his oversized boxing glove using it as a springboard to launch yourself backward. The force of your kick drives the glove deep into the ground with a loud boom. As you land you look towards you currently immobilized opponent, wiping the slight amount of blood from your face you prepare for your final attack. Flexing your muscles your shirt begins to rip, the fabric barely containing you. The form was still incomplete, but you wouldn't need it's full power to beat someone like Fukuroda. Those who knew of this terrifying power knew what was about to happen next. On your back was the incomplete face of a demon, the Demon Back. Rushing forward faster than most could comprehend you take a firm hold of Fukuroda's face and slam in into the ground with immense force. The sheer impact causing a cloud of dust to arise, which you use as cover for your escape.

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