✿Chapter 4.01✿

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A few days pass after Seungmin had tea with Chan...

The purple haired boy continued to try to live with the unaffable members of the estate.

"Felix, I tried baking some madeleines. Want to try?"

"Thank you"

"H-how does it taste???"

"There are no problems"

Does that mean that he likes it???


"Yo kitten!"

"Good morning Lee Know"

"What is that? Madeleines?"

"Yes. If you want-"

"I'm full. I don't need any"

He returns in the morning with a full stomach. Where did he eat?


Seungmin still can't read Felix's face. Lee Know remains a mystery. But one thing has changed recently...

"Chan! Good morning!"


"Would you like some madeleines, Chan? If you want, I can bring some tea later..."

"... I suppose"


"I chose milk tea for today. I thought it would go better with madeleines"

"Whatever. Do it quickly"


No matter how he acts, he does have tea with me each day.

Seungmin places the cups and plates on the table. Chan's expression remains passive.

Well, I suppose the silence hasn't changed much. Is there anything I can say...

"Chan, there is one thing I have been curious about since I came here"


"Where do you get water?"

Up in the clouds, you usually wouldn't expect water to come out of a faucet.

I didn't think about this first, but it is odd.

"Do you use magic?"

Chan looks somewhat exasperated.

"Do you not know anything?"


"Hmm... ignorance"

"You still haven't told me... I can't know something if you don't tell me. Please tell me"

"... fine..."

Chan takes the younger to the lower floor of the estate.

This was the first place when I arrived here.

"This is the lowest level of the estate. In other words, it is closest to the ground.

The water you see here... blesses the land"

"Do you mean that this water falls to the land?"

"... yes. Good intuition" Chan says this and smiles.

He rarely smiles. It seems so new...

"This is the source for all water in Nightmare. It falls to the land from here. It is also used in this estate.

When this water dries up, all living things in Nightmare will die"

"That's amazing. I didn't know that this was such an incredible place"

Hearing that, Seungmin feels like this place has mysterious atmosphere.

"... does the water here ever stop flowing"

"I don't remember such a time. But..."

What is it???

"What would happen if it dried up?"

"... you don't need to worry about that"

"That might be true, but... Such an amazing place is right here. It is like you control the entire world"

In one moment, Chan's expression clouds over.

"... that is not how it is"

Chan looks away.


"Let's return to the estate"


What happened Chan? Did I say something wrong???


The purple haired boy carries the dinner he made to Chan's room.

After that, he and Felix will eat in the sunroom. This has become their routine.

I hope I didn't offend Chan before...

"Chan, I brought your meal"

"Come in"

Chan looks through some books on his desk.

"Place it there"

"Yes. Umm..."


Chan doesn't seem especially upset. I probably shouldn't bring that up again then...

"Please eat while it's still warm"

"... I know. I'll eat it now"

Did he appear reddish just now???


Perhaps I was just overthinking...

Seungmin considers this as he eats with Felix.

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