2. The rebel

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2. The rebel

After waving goodbye to my son and the men I got to work. I could hear sirens in the distance. I probably had ten minutes tops. I couldn't do all the things I wanted to do in that time. There was only one other solution. I had to burn it down. This place had been home to me for four years. I'd miss it. But I needed to protect the men even if I couldn't protect myself. The truth was I didn't know what would happen when the police got here. But I'd cross that bridge when I get to it.

I knew building this room would come in handy one day. I quickly went to work throwing all the weapons we've acquired over the years into the furnace after checking it was safe. There were plenty, but I had to get rid of them. I had to melt them down. They were bought on the black market but I still had to be careful.

I had all the weapons gathered and thrown into the furnace room in under five minutes. That left me with some time to wire the explosives. It wasn't enough but I had to work with what I have. I had to rig the place so it would be hard for them to find anything after. Living here with those men has taught me a few dangerous skills that I don't think the Paxton heiress should have, but extremely important for the rebel queen to have. I was like two different people in one body.

I worked quickly as the sirens got louder. They were close. There were some shouting and movement outside. They had arrived faster than I thought. I exited through the back escape route and started running. Some men had entered the building. I could hear their footsteps. If I didn't blow it up now I'd give them a better chance at discovering the secrets to our organization. I couldn't think about anything else but protecting my son and my people. So I pressed the button to set off the first round of explosives. The bottom level of the building blew up before my eyes. The explosion was so powerful that it knocked me backwards and off my feet. I fell to the ground hard. I could feel heat against my skin. I groaned and struggled to my feet. I would definitely have some bruises after that landing.

Screams could be heard from inside the building but I couldn't think about that. I hand to burn it to the ground. The men had started to retreat. For their sakes I hope they do so quickly. I set off the second round of explosives. I was far enough away not to be affected directly but not far enough to prevent flying debris from landing near me.

I started running again. I didn't want to think about those police officers, some of whom are now dead. I didn't want to think about the people I might have just killed. I had a mission to complete and complete it I would. I needed to buy time for them to take off safely. I'd rather shoulder all the blame than have any of the people I care about hurt or locked up.

I pressed the detonator a third time. Another explosion went off. I was hot, sweaty and dirty. My jeans had been ripped from my fall to the ground and I think a piece of my hair had been burned off from the first explosion. But I couldn't focus on any of that. I kept running until I was sure I wouldn't be harmed, and then set off the last round of explosion. Those had been wired at the very top of the building. It would sink the building completely destroying it and our camp for good.

I stopped and watched pained as everything crumbled and kept crumbling until there was no more, and then I sprinted again. I sprinted for my life. There were footsteps behind me. How? Where did they come from? They shouted for me to stop but I didn't. I continued running until I came upon the end of the alley. I exited and stopped running. I stopped running because there was nowhere else to go. I was trapped. They'd set up a barricade at the end of the alley. They'd been waiting. They'd been waiting for us. They were aware of our escape routes. How did they know to pick this specific one?

"Orada Dur! Eller havaya!"

I slowly raised my hands in the air and looked at the dozens of police officers who had their weapons trained on me. They don't normally carry firearms, but given that they came prepared to go up against rebels I'd say they had all right to arm themselves. Come on. I wasn't that dangerous. Granted, I did just blow up a building four times. But that doesn't make me dangerous. It was for self preservation. Surely they can understand that.

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