30. I am Kaitlyn-Rose

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30. I am Kaitlyn-Rose

What is this nonsense? I sat flipping through the magazine they had brought me. I was having trouble understanding what exactly I was reading. Because they sent me to this stupid facility, whatever privileges I would have gotten immediately if I was in my father's prison took months to reach me. Maybe they were doing it on purpose. I think they were. There is no possible way I could just be getting a magazine that has been on the shelf for four months already. They didn't just bring me one either. They brought me all of them, and every single one of them was old news. It was a welcomed distraction from designing. Nine months of non-stop designing. I needed a break. The good thing was that I was already nine months through my sentence. I could do this. I could make it. I had to make it. I didn't want to think about what would happen if I didn't. So I put the thought from my head and took up one of the many magazines they had brought me.

It was like my brain refused to acknowledge what I was seeing and reading. Why is Niko on the cover of a magazine? What did I miss? The release date clearly showed that this was months ago. Why was I not informed? No one told me anything. There was no point in getting upset about it because there was no one to curse out. So I reined in my temper and proceeded to read.

"Sexiest businessman alive."

"Business wizard."

"Beauty and brains." I scoffed loudly at all these titles. How did Nonno allow this crap to be printed? Okay, maybe it wasn't exactly crap, but I was not used to reading about my man in magazines or newspapers. He always kept away from the public eye. Now he was embracing it. It was weird.

Niko had been working hard. In my opinion he was working too hard. To double the net worth of Birke Holdings in just five months, he'd have to have worked some very long nights. I frowned. I did not like that. He should be using the time to bond with Talon, not just work. I sighed. Maybe I was assuming things. It's not like I asked to him to find out anyway. It would be too hard on him and on me if he did visit, and I needed to be strong. If I saw him I would probably break down and beg him to get me out of here. Then there was the whole no sex thing. I never knew I could miss sex so much. I was about to combust. The only thing that kept my mind off it was designing. More specifically, designing my wedding dress, but no matter how much I tried, it never looks right. I wanted it to be perfect and I wanted a big wedding.

It was strange. I've never really wanted a big wedding before Niko. I had been perfectly fine when I ran off and got married to Phoenix, but I didn't want that with Niko. I wanted a big wedding with hundreds of people to see me show the world that he's mine and I'm his because I love him. "I love him," I said out loud. I really did. Maybe Safiare was right after all. It had always been him. From that first night in the club it was him. It was Niko. He'd always had my heart even before I decided to give it to him.

I read through every piece of information I could like I was starving. The more I read the more I wanted to know. There was one thing I was particularly interested in; his acquisition of Accosi International Concept. The paper said he bought it, but there was no way in hell Niko would have. Why would he? What would he gain from it? He had no interest in fashion or running a fashion company. There was only one reason I could think of. He did it for me. I had confessed to him one night after one of our thorough lovemaking sessions that I was hurt when my mum put Safiare in charge of Accosi International because I'd always felt it was mine. My mum had always said that one day it would be mine. I had believed her. When she basically handed it over to Safiare I felt betrayed. That's why I started my own company, and that's why I sued her. "What if I could make it yours," he'd asked after my confession. "I don't think you can," was my response. "But what if I can," he'd asked again. I didn't respond, and soon after we were distracted by our bodies once again.

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