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Three years later
"You! What the hell did you do to me?" I got to my feet the minute my wife entered the office. Caleb had already called and notified me that Kaitlyn was coming in hot. Now it was up to me to diffuse the situation. I just wish I knew what it was. "I swear if you weren't my husband you'd be dead already." I made no move to approach her. I had discovered after our honeymoon that my beautiful wife liked to hit and throw things when she's upset. I think that was the first time I really saw her lose control. After Lucas was six months old she discovered she was pregnant again. She never spoke to me for days after she went off on me. Apparently I had messed up her plan of having our children two years apart, because a few months after Lucas turned one year old she gave birth to our third son, Alessandro. So now we had a three year old and a two year old running around.

I came around the desk and waited for her to continue. She didn't disappoint. "You're a selfish jerk and an asshole! I can't believe you did this to me again. You should be glad I'm in love with you because that's the only thing saving your ass right now!" I smiled at that. Even when she's angry she still tells me that she loves me. I pulled her into my arms. She didn't resist.

"Sweetheart, maybe it would help if you tell me what I did that was so horrible and made you angry." For a long while she didn't say anything. It was that time of the day again where we would hug for a few minutes without words. When she pulled away her temper had cooled.

"I'm pregnant." A big grin took over my face. "You don't have to look so smug about it she said with a smile.

"We're pregnant?" She nodded.

"This is the last one, Niko. I mean it. We're not having another child after this one. I'm thirty-two years old. I can't be popping out babies every other year. Lucas and Alessandro is enough. I'm glad Talon is older so I don't have to worry about him too. We decided on three more children. This one makes the third. I have fulfilled my duty as a wife." I pulled her into my arms again.

"Honey, I just said three because it sounded like a reasonable number. That number was always up for debate. As long as you are willing and healthy I will always aim to get you pregnant." She pulled back and looked at me.

"We're not having anymore."

"Okay." I wouldn't argue with her. She'll forget about not wanting anymore children soon enough. I kissed her forehead. "Thank you."

"What am I being thanked for?"

"I'm thanking you for delivering three healthy beautiful baby boys and for now being pregnant with our fourth child. Whatever you want is yours. You know I'll do anything for you."

"Anything I want?"

"Yes." She smiled.

"Let's go to Venice."

"I was hoping you'd say that. You're so predictable." The villa that Kaitlyn had bought there had sort of become our escape. Whenever life at work or home became to stressful we'd take off for a few days and visit Venice. After all, that was where we truly admitted our love for each other. It was the first time I told her I loved her and it was the same for her. Venice is the place we go to when we want to remember that feeling we each felt when the other said I love you.

A year after that
It was the happiest I had ever been in my life. I was in my fourth year of marriage to the best husband a woman could ask for. Niko has given me everything I could possibly want, his love and the love of a family. I sat looking out at the sun setting over the water from this nice little spot Niko had set up for us on our villa in Venice. Usually we would come here by ourselves, but this time we took our family.

The newest addition was in fact asleep in my arms after being fed. Nikolai De Luca at three months old was the only one of my sons who had all my features. His blond hair was the same shade as mine. Not even Talon's hair was the same shade as mine. Nikolai also got my brown eyes. He was a miniature version of me just like the four year old Lucas was a miniature version of his father. Alessandro at three years old was a mixture of both his parents. He had Niko's black hair and my brown eyes. I couldn't be happier with this little family that I have for myself.

This was a family vacation and we all huddled together enjoying our evening by the shores in this huge bed and canopy that my loving husband thought to set up for us. Talon was the furthest away at the foot of the bed on his stomach with his tablet learning another language. I think it was French this time. At ten years old he didn't much care for cuddling like my other two children. Lucas was curled on his side with his head barely resting against my thigh. Alessandro was in his father's lap and oblivious to the world around him.

I smiled at Niko and he smiled back with his eyes promising me insurmountable pleasure once the children were asleep. I raised my eyebrow at him in a challenging manner. He laughed. I love you, I mouthed to him meaning every word. Until Niko I never really understood the meaning of those words. Before it was just something you said if you liked the person more than you liked anyone else. Now, it's not like that at all. Whenever I say those words they express everything that I feel all packed into three powerful words. Now I really understood what it means to love someone irrevocably. That's how I feel about Niko and that's how I feel about my children.
The End

Once again thank you all for reading and commenting. We've finally come to the end of Kaitlyn's story and the end of the handcuffed series. Your support throughout has meant a lot. Thanks once again.

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