5. No greater bond than family

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5. No greater bond than family

I opened my eyes to the sound of my cell being unlocked. I had already been here a day and a night. The public defender they brought was worthless. I could have done a better job at questioning than him. Did they really expect that blubbering idiot to make an impact?

"Detective Malas. To what do I owe this pleasure?"

"Aren't you a funny woman?" He appeared to be in a bad mood.

"Is something wrong detective?"

"What's wrong is people getting away with things because they have money. That's what's wrong with the justice system all over the world." Okay, then. Someone definitely pissed him off. "Come on."

"Where am I going?"

"Your lawyers are here."

I scowled. "I thought I sent that imbecile away." He didn't respond. I followed him silently. I guess he really wasn't in a good mood. I was brought to a small room with a table and a few chairs. It was some sort of interrogation room. What else did he think I could tell him? I already admitted I'm the person they're looking for, well not in so many words. Why bother waste time interrogating me? "I have nothing more to say. This is a waste of time." He scowled and then left. A few minutes later the door opened and a different man came in. He was built just like Detective Malas, short and stocky, but his hair had streaks of white in it. I guess this was a stressing job.

"Ms. Paxton, I'm sorry to keep you waiting. I'm Ahmed Bardakçi, the General Director here." General Director? I raised my eyebrows. I guess this was more serious than I thought. Did they have some sort of evidence against me, something I missed? "I don't normally get involved in situations like these, but you're a special case and I owed a friend a favour. So here I am." I had no idea what this man was talking about. "I'll leave you to it then." He opened the door and another man entered. This one I knew.


"Ciao, Kaitlyn-Rose. Don't you look, different?" Both men shook hands and then the he was gone leaving me alone with Antonio.

"What's going on?"

"Shouldn't I be the one asking you that? What have you done Kaitlyn-Rose? You took about twenty years off my life when I was told you died." I kept quiet. "Aren't you going to say anything?"

"How did you know to come here?"

"Your father called me."

"Daddy?" Antonio nodded. Well that's something I guess. "Oh. So what happens now?"

"Now we get you out of here."


"I'll take care of it. Ahmed is a friend." Of course he is I thought. The General Director came back into the room. The look he had on his face was serious now. Antonio took over the situation.

"How do we go about this?"

"The best I can offer is for Ms. Paxton to pay a fine."

A fine didn't sound too bad. "What would the fine be for?"

"Your unauthorized name change." I nodded. That seemed fair. "You'd also need to tell us the name of your accomplice."

"What accomplice?"

"Come now, Ms. Paxton. You don't expect me to believe you somehow got into the system and changed your own name. That can only be done by someone on the inside and with the knowledge to do so."

I shrugged. "I did it myself." Antonio didn't seem convinced but he said nothing. "So I pay the fine and then I'm free to go?"

"Not exactly. We'll have to deport you."

Handcuffed RebelOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora