31. Sand, the beach, Venice and us

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31. Sand, the beach, Venice and us.

"Why is it so important for me to go there? Can't it wait?"

"No. I need the property inspected immediately."

"Padre, I'm really busy right now. I can't go to Venice for a week. Birke Holdings is very busy. We're on the verge of a major profit increase. I'm needed here. There's also Talon. I can't leave him. Accosi International is also top priority. There are too many things here I need to do."

"All of which will be taken care of without you for a week. That is why you're the boss. A boss has the power to delegate. This property is important to me. I can't go myself, and there is no one besides you that I trust to deal with it."

I sighed. "Okay." He wasn't asking much of me. A week wouldn't kill me.

He gave me a bright smile. "The documents have already been placed in the car."

"The car?"


"You expect me to drive? Have you lost your mind? That's at least five hours."

"You should get an early start then."

"What are you up to?"

"Nothing. The drive will be a good way for you to clear your head." I wanted to argue with him but it was pointless. So I walked away grumbling loudly to myself.

I arrived at the property late that night. It wasn't at all what I had in mind. It was a villa; a home to be exact. There was nothing wrong with it as far as I could see, but as it was night time I couldn't be certain. I found the nearest bedroom and fell into a deep slumber. I woke long after midday the next day. I had no idea I was that tired. I took a shower and prepared to inspect the property before the night came. The sea beckoned to me during my inspection and I couldn't resist it. I walked along the shoreline deep in thought. I don't know how long I walked for, but I came to an abrupt stop when my eyes landed on a set of small feminine feet. I frowned. This was private property. No one but me should be here.

My gaze travelled slowly up the body of the owner of those legs until I was looking into a pair of familiar chocolate coloured eyes. "Kaitlyn?" I shook my head a few times thinking it was an illusion. "Kaitlyn?"

"Niko," she answered with a smirk. My arms reached for her instinctively.

"Am I seeing things?"

"I don't know. Are you?"

She took a step closer and leaned into my touch. "How?" That wasn't really what I wanted to say. I wanted to say "I missed you, it's been hell without you, and I love you." But I didn't say any of those things. I just stood there staring at her.

"I don't think I've ever seen you this lost for words before." She stepped even closer to me. There was no space between our bodies now. Her lush breasts pressed up against my chest caused my body to come alive, one particular part of my body to be exact. My cock started to get hard. Kaitlyn's body pressed even closer until I could feel the air coming from between her lips. I didn't think at all after that. The time for thinking had passed. Our lips connected in an explosive kiss and all the tension that I had been carrying around evaporated. She was really here. I didn't have to worry about going home with that empty feeling anymore. My fingers found their way into her silky hair and gripped it gently while our lips moved together. She opened for me and my tongue entered her parted lips. It was heaven the way she sucked on it then stroked it with her own tongue. It was as if she was petting it, no, she was petting me.

We got so ferocious with our kissing that I had to break away from her lips. She didn't want that. As soon as I took a breath her mouth was on mine again. I tasted lust and longing, both of which I was personally acquainted with and had been acquainted with these past torturous months. My fingers left her hair and started roaming her body. Her breasts were ripe and ready for me. I caressed them tenderly at first, grazing over her nipples. She gasped. I continued to play with them while my mouth watered for a taste.

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