25. A vital discovery

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25. A vital discovery

I can't believe she sent me to that place.

"How was your rest, Safiare?"

"My rest?" I bit my lip to stop the curse from coming out. "My rest was fine, Natalía. Thank you for asking."

"Good. I'm glad you're back."

"You're glad I'm back?" I scoffed. "You told the media I was having a mental breakdown and sent me away to get treated."

"It was for the good of the family. I can't have you and Kaitlyn-Rose at each others throat."

"All I did was tell the truth. She wasn't kidnapped. She should pay for her lies."

"There are things you don't know. Let's not open that can of worms."

"I can't forgive her. I can't. Phoenix is gone because of her."

"Excuse me? I seem to recall Phoenix going off on his own. Kaitlyn didn't kill him. His death was an unfortunate accident. It's time you stopped blaming Kaitlyn for something she couldn't control."

I wanted to scream that this was wrong.

"Well she's a whore."

"Safiare," Marc said from beside me.

"What? It's true. She never loved him. I should have know from I found that folder with the background check. I should have known her feelings for Phoenix weren't sincere. I can't forgive her for ruining his memory."

"Then don't forgive her. That's your choice. What I know is going to happen is that you are going to let this vengeance thing you have for Kaitlyn go and focus on work. Accosi International just spent a fortune compensating her for her designs. So get get to work and do your job. You're a grown woman with a child. Stop acting like an overly emotional teen."

"Whatever." I walked away. I don't care what she says. I'm not letting it go. My brother died. Kaitlyn-Rose does not deserve to be happy. I will destroy her. You can count on that.

"Why do you keep doing that, Saf?"

"Doing what?"

"Why do you keep attacking Kaitlyn?"

"Because she's a lying, cheating, whore."

"She's my sister."

"You're a lying, cheating, whore, too. Well you were."

"Just let it go."

"No. She wasn't kidnapped. I'm not going to stop until the world knows she a fraud."

"And what will that accomplish? Nothing. You're going to hurt this family if you do. If you continue to do this you'll destroy us."

"Phoenix was all I had. I can't accept Kaitlyn's blatant disregard of his memory."

"You have a family now. You have a son. You're messing with his future, his legacy. If you succeed in ruining Kaitlyn you'll ruin us all. You're a Paxton now Safiare. It's time you start acting like one."

"What the hell am I suppose to do? She's living happily with her new boyfriend and even started a company to compete with Accosi International. She started this."

"Just let it go." I wish I could. I wish I could just forget about it. But I can't.

"I'm going to check on Zayden." I left Marc and the conversation which was going absolutely nowhere. Nothing he says will convince me to let this go, nothing at all. He was wasting his time.

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