Thinking it Through

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   "Man, that sure was crazy," Tyson said as they rode along in that train. "I just hope we'll be able to make it to the tournament."

   "Don't worry Tyson," Kenny told him. "We'll be able to make it."

   "The thing is though," Max began, "do we have time to train?"

   "What do you mean Max?" asked Tyson.

   "That battle with Saki was entirely one sided," Max explained. "It showed me I still have a lot to learn."

   "That's right Max," Ray agreed. "We all got out butts whooped. We have a lot of training to do."

   "Speaking of that, Kai, the repairs to Dranzer are completed," Kenny said.

   Kai looked down from where he was in the top bunk. He had been thinking about Saki the whole time. The way she seemed to know something about him he didn't know and how he knew her symbol. Kai reached a hand down and Kenny went over and placed Dranzer in it. There was something about having a blade in hand that just made everything make sense.

   "Alright," Tyson said, jumping to his feet. "We'll train and train and be ready for whatever comes our way."

   "Yeah!" Max agreed.

   "But what about that creature, that Aurorus?" asked Kenny.

   "I don't know anything about it," Ray said.

   "I think it was on our side," Tyson told them. "That attack that caved Saki in wasn't an accident, I'm sure of it!"

   "You might be right," Max said.

   "I just wish we knew more," Kenny sighed. "Dinosaurs shooting ice beams and energy beams aren't my expertise."

   "Not like it's ours," Ray said.

   "Kai, any ideas?" asked Tyson.

   Kai grunted and turned away.

   "Well excuse me for asking," Tyson muttered with that pouty face of his.

   "And what are we going to do about the Russian team?" Kenny asked. "I bet they don't have any monsters but they must be strong."

   "Yeah," Ray nodded.

   "I hope they aren't like Saki and fight fairly," Max said.

   "I'm sure they do," Tyson said. "There can't be any more Sakis in the world."

   Kai grunted and smiled a little at that.

   "What, have something to say?" Tyson challenged, hearing.

   But Kai just ignored him. He had bigger things to worry about. It didn't help that he had almost lost that match. And what then? He didn't want to think about it, but he knew he had to. And that symbol. It kept popping up into his mind. This time it was a clearer picture, hastily carved into a brick wall in a dark room. Bars cut it off from a hallway. And in one corner was a teddy bear with its head ripped off.

   The rest of the journey had been made talking about random things. When they finally arrived, Tyson ran off without even putting a coat on first. He just stood there shivering for a few minutes when the others came up and Kenny threw a jacket on him and Kai gave Tyson that 'you're such an idiot' look.

   Then they tried to go to the hotel but Kenny failed them by not being able to read Russian. Kai had taken the map but Tyson refused to listen to the one person on their team who happened to know Russian. Along the way to their hotel they spotted two kids battling. And then Borris showed up. He seemed friendly and hospitable. But that was before.

   Tyson got into a battle with one of Borris's students. When the student lost, a kid named Alexander, he was dragged out of the building screaming. Team Blade Breakers left soon after that.

   Saki walked into the abbey. It felt strange to be back. For so long she just wanted to be rid of this place. But this place had made her who she was. And it was time to return. It had been just barely, but she had lost to Kai. She should've been able to completely overpower him. It frustrated her.

   "If it isn't Saki," came Borris's voice. "It's good to see you back."

   "Miss your favorite student?" Saki asked him. "Got any fresh recruits?"

   "Yes," Borris answered. "They're all busy training in the basement."

   "Ah, the basement," Saki said. "I have such fond memories of that place."

   "Now is not the time for sarcasm," Borris scolded. "Come with me."

   Borris led Saki down into the basement. They went down into a private room that students were not allowed to enter. This was Borris's office. He went over to the table were there was a laptop. He pressed a button on it and the face of Voltaire Hiwatari appeared on screen. Borris took off his silly hat and put on his mask.

   "We have Saki, Voltaire."

   "Hmph, I never pledged my loyalty to either of you," Saki denied. "Make it worth my time."

   "How about an upgrade to Drahneir?" Borris suggested. "A new Drahneir, I mean. A better one."

   "Hmm, what is it?" asked Saki. "You better show me."

   Borris smiled. "Agree to join BIOVOLT first," he said.

   "BIOVOLT?" Saki repeated. "You know, that sounds interesting. I bet you don't have my blade, do you?" She smirked. "I know your game. But what I really want is action."

   "There'll be plenty of that, Saki," Voltaire said.

   Saki smiled. "Then count me in, Grandfather," she told him.

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