The Chase

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   Kai ran through the bottom part of the abbey. This place seemed so sinister and it was a maze but Kai felt like he knew exactly where he was and where he was going. And, he realized as he ran, this place seemed a lot like Saki's dungeon. That Saki. The very thought of her made him growl.

   As Kai ran through a hallway with several small rooms sectioned off with bars, something caught his eye. He stopped and looked through the bars and saw Saki's symbol. There was a space in the bars where one had been sawn away and he squeezed through. In one corner of the wall was a teddy bear with its head torn off and stuffing everywhere. All over the walls were bits of writing carved into the bricks.

   'They mean to punish me. Borris, aren't you proud? I was your best and favorite student.'

   'Drahneir and I itch for action. Some new recruits to terrorize.'

   'Borris is testing me. I know his game. He wants to know what it'll take for me to break. Well it won't work!'

   'I made a symbol for myself. It represents the five elements of earth, water, wind, fire, and void. I am void. I need the others.'

   'I need the others. I must have them.'

   'Borris thinks he can break me. Stupid Borris.'

   'Oh how I want the power of all five elements. No, not want, need.'

   'Five is too little.'

   'Let me go Borris! You can't keep me here for long!'

   'I can hear whispers.'

   'There is plotting against me. To kill me.'

   'I hear new recruits. I wish to destroy them.'

   'I thought he was my friend. I ripped his head off.'

   Kai stopped reading then. Saki was insane. He quickly slipped out and ran off.

   He kept running and beat all his challenges almost perfectly. And then he saw it, Black Dranzer. After arguing with Borris, he got what he wanted. But so did Borris. With Black Dranzer in hand, he trained with it, smashing stone pillars.

   "Looks like I'm not the only one to return here."

   Kai whipped around at the sound of Saki's voice. There she was, leaning with her back against the wall.

   "You saw my room?" she questioned.

   "What are you doing here?" Kai growled.

   "Same thing as you," Saki answered. "Power, some fun. You and me, we're alike."

   "I'm nothing like you," Kai denied.

   "We're related," Saki told him.

   Kai took a step back. Him? Related to that mad woman?

   "Brother and sister actually," Saki continued. "Of course, I'm older. You may call me Onee-sama."

   "Don't count on it," Kai told her.

   "Oh well," Saki said, walking over to him. She leaned over and whispered in his ear, "Borris wants to give you another kind of power. He'll give you two options. I suggest chasing it down yourself. It's way more fun."

   "What kind of power?" Kai asked as Saki began to leave.

   "Remember my Aurorus?" she stopped and asked. "That kind."

To Be Freeजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें