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   After the attack, Borris called up Voltaire.
   "I regret that Saki and Kai have left us," Borris told him.
   "I never thought Saki would stay," Voltaire admitted. "She only craves power but we can't trust her with it. Kai however puts a dent in our plans."
   "There is no problem, I assure you," Borris said. "Our scientists have just discovered the secret to making successful gijinka."
   "That is good news," Voltaire said. "I wish to see it soon."
   The call ended and Borris sighed. They had the secret but the lab had been one of many things Saki had destroyed.

   "Please Ray, you have to stop her."
   "I will," Ray promised.
   Ray ended the call with Kevin. The poor kid had been attacked and almost murdered by Saki. This made Ray want to destroy her even more.
   "How is it?" Tyson asked.
   "Better than they thought but Kevin still has a long way to go before he's completely better," Ray answered.
   Tyson nodded.
   "That Saki must be really low to hurt Kevin like that," Max said.
   "Hey Kai?" Ray questioned. "Saki kept calling you something. Little brother?"
   Kai growled. "Fine," he said. "Saki is my older sister."
   "I can't believe it!" Kenny exclaimed.
   "She's insane though," Kai said. "Blood thirsty and power hungry. She doesn't care about family one little bit. I saw that when she left me to die."
   "I'm sorry, Kai," Max said.
   "It doesn't matter," Kai told him, folding his arms. "We have a tournament to take care of."
   "Don't you worry about a thing," Mr. Dickenson told them. "If Saki does show up, a group of elite bladers will be there to stop her."
   "You really think that'll do anything?" questioned Kai.

   On their way to the tournament, it wasn't Saki but the Demolition Boys that showed up to destroy things. They now rode in a bus with Oliver and Enrique, but Max had to endure getting Draciel stolen.
   As they were talking, the bus suddenly stopped.
   "Hey, what's the problem?" Oliver asked the bus driver.
   "M-monster!" the bus driver shouted, pointing at something on the road.
   Team Blade Breakers and Oliver and Enrique went to investigate. There they saw it, the Aurorus. Its sails turned blue.
   "Everyone off the bus!" Tyson commanded.
   Everyone scrambled off. A dark violet beam shot out if Aurorus's mouth and destroyed the bus.
   "That was close," Max said.
   "Too close," Ray agreed.
   "Saki!" Kai roared.
   "I didn't expect to see you around, little brother," Saki said, stepping into view. "I guess your team mates cared."
   "Who is thus person?" Enrique asked.
   "That's Saki, a power hungry creep," Tyson said.
   "I can take her," Oliver said.
   "Wait up," Ray told him. "All the bit beasts Kai stole, she has them now. More that that, she's very powerful. My match with her was one sided."
   "Saki, battle me now," Kai demanded, pulling out his Pokeball.
   "I want," Saki said. "Aurorus, use Ice Beam!"
   Aurorus shot out a beam of ice. They all dodged but Kai dropped the Pokeball in the process. It rolled to a stop in the center of the area.
   "Mine," Saki declared, running after it.
   Kai ran at it as well. Saki tried punching Kai in the face but he dodged under her arm. He then tripped her and she fell hard. Kai reached for the Pokeball. Saki reached out too and she grabbed it. Kai did too and for a while they wrestled for it. Kai pulled it away and tried to get away from Saki. Saki got to her feet.
   "Ice Beam now!" she commanded.
   Kai was frozen from the waist down. Saki smiled and calmly walked over. But Kai wasn't letting her have it. He pressed the button, sending out the bird called Talonflame, and crushed the ball in his hand. 
   "Irritating fool!" Saki shouted.
   "What is it Saki?" Kai asked. "Frustrated because you didn't win?"
   Saki growled. "Oh I'll win," she said. "Freeze him up to his chin," Saki commanded, and Aurorus did. Saki then turned to Team Blade Breakers and Enrique and Oliver. "Take them down."
   Aurorus charged at them. Most ran off. But Tyson was frozen in fear. Aurorus headbutted Tyson off the cliff and then tried to stop. Loose stones caused Aurorus to fall as well.
   "Tyson!" Team Blade Breakers shouted.
   "Don't you care about Aurorus?!" Kai snapped at his sister.
   "Why should I?" asked Saki. She turned to Talonflame.
   "Fly away!" Kai commanded.
   Talonflame wanted to but its wing was broken from Black Dranzer.
   "A Talonflame with a broken wing is useless," Saki said. "What a waste. Keep your stupid Talonflame." She turned and began to walk away but stopped and looked back. "Maybe when its wings heals, then it'll be worth my time. Right now, chasing it will be no fun," she said, then walked away.
   "That Saki irritates me to no end," Enrique declared.
   "Hang on Kai, I'll get you out," Ray said, readying Drigger.
   But before that could happen, Talonflame shot out embers which melted the ice and the resulting water prevented any burns. Kai was free and just stared at the Talonflame.
   "Why did you do that?" Kai asked.
   The Talonflame turned into the girl, leaving the others, besides Kai, dumbfounded. Her right wing hung limp and broken.
   "Think of it as repayment for freeing me, even though you did catch me in the first place," she said. "And if you wish to take down Saki, I'll help you. By the way, the name's Fueha."
   Tyson opened his eyes and grunted in pain. A bush had broken his fall, thankfully, but he was covered in scratches. A cry turned his attention to the right where the Aurorus was on its side. Down its side was a long, deep gash. Tyson got to his feet and went over to it. Seeing Tyson, the Aurorus's sails turned blue.
   "Wait!" Tyson shouted at it, holding his hands out in front of him.
   The Aurorus thankfully stopped and let Tyson come closer and place a hand on its head. Tyson could feel the Aurorus shuddering. The poor thing was scared to death, probably because of Saki. Tyson could only imagine the horrors Saki must've put it through.
   "Don't worry," Tyson told it. "I'm going to help you."  
   And Tyson gently stroked the Aurorus's head. It seemed to calm it down a lot. And then the strangest thing happened: the Aurorus turned into a girl.
   The girl had light blue hair and violet eyes. She wore a strapless light blue top and a short white skirt complete with white boots and a small light blue scarf. On her forehead, arms, and legs were the pieces of ice. From her head and back of her neck came the same sails. She also had the same tail as the Aurorus.
   "You're human?!" Tyson questioned, shocked.
   "Mistress Saki calls me monster," the girl told him. "She says that I shouldn't be and I was only created to be used by her."
   "You look like a person to me," Tyson told her.
   He glanced down her side and saw red forming dark on her shirt. Tyson reached over and lifted up her shirt a little. It was a bad gash. Really bad. Something had to be done but Tyson had nothing for it.
   "Please leave it," she told him. "When Mistress Saki takes me back, she'll just tear it back open again."
   "Saki's not going to get you back," Tyson promised her.
   "She has my Pokeball," she told him. "All she has to do is send me back."
   "That's not going to happen," Tyson denied. "I promise you, Saki's not going to get you back." He took of his jacket and tore off a thick strip, tying it around the girl's stomach area and then lowered her shirt over it. "My name's Tyson by the way. What's yours?"
   "Tsurara," she told him. "Please stop. Mistress Saki's going to tear it open deeper and longer."
   "Saki's not going to do anything to you, never again," Tyson told her. "I wish I had something more for that but I don't. Once we get to the stadium, there hopefully will be a hospital around. But we have no way to get there."
   "I'm sorry, Tyson," Tsurara said. "But Mistress Saki-"
   "I know," Tyson said, cutting her off. "But don't worry. My team will get us out of here soon."
   Tyson looked up.
   "That was Max," he said. Tyson jumped to his feet and shouted as loud as he could, "Hey! We're down here!"
   "Hold on!" Max yelled back.
   "What I tell ya?" Tyson asked Tsurara.
   Tsurara's eyes were closed. Tyson went over to her worriedly and shook her. Nothing. He shook her again. Still nothing.
   "Hurry!" he shouted at his team.

   Thankfully it wasn't long before his team and Oliver and Enrique arrived down in a helicopter. They all were surprised when Tyson told them that Tsurara was the Aurorus, though Kai said he suspected this. Tyson gently carried Tsurara on and set her down on a seat and strapped her to it. Lifting up her shirt slightly, he checked the makeshift bandage. It was all red.
   "We need to get her to a hospital," Tyson told them.
   "There should be one in the city," Oliver informed.
   "But we need to see Johnny and Robert," Enrique put in.
   "There's no time for that!" Tyson yelled at them.
   "Tyson, it's important for your match," Oliver told him.
   "Tyson, is it?" Fueha asked. "My name is Fueha. If this is important for your match, then all you Blade Breakers need to go. You need to defeat the Demolition Boys. And, I know Saki's going to be there. You must defeat Saki as well. This information is vital and you must go!
   "Please understand, Tyson, I do care about her condition. She's been under Saki's control for a long time. I've always heard legends about Saki, but I always thought them false. But now, after meeting her, I know they're true. You're right, she needs to go to a hospital. But please, let me and Oliver and Enrique take her so that you and your team may go find out what you need to in order to win."
   Tyson paused for a second and looked down.
   "Okay," he finally said.
   "I'll get a second helicopter as soon as possible," Oliver said.

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