Fond Memories

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   "How'd it go?"

   Saki looked over at Borris. She let out a sigh.

   "It was much too boring," she told him. "I refuse to be a babysitter. I joined BIOVOLT for action, not this."

   "Did Kai catch it?" pressed Borris.

   "Yes, but there are problems," Saki told him. "Kai saw it when it looked human and it's messing with him. Turning full Pokemon was its demise."

   Borris nodded.

   "Oh, it brings back such fond memories of my stay here," Saki said. "Chasing my prey, my scared, frightened prey. Looking into its fearful eyes. Oh! Wonderful!"

   "I assume you want another go," Borris said with a smirk.

   "Would that be too much to ask?" she questioned.

   "Yes it would," Borris answered. "Most of them don't make it. I'm afraid that the ones you and Kai have are the only ones that survived. It doesn't help what you did."

   "But Borris, I saved you the effort of trying to train weaklings," Saki told him. "Oh, you know I'm your favorite."

   "Enough!" Borris yelled.

   "You're no fun," Saki said. She smiled. "Did you hear the name the new recruits are calling me? The Demon Fox. I like it. May I see them?"

   "You know that's a no," Borris answered. "Not after what happened to your class. They are a group of fine bladers."

   "Borris, we have intruders," said one of Borris's men.

   "Put the image up on screen," Borris commanded. He growled when he saw who it was. "Send Tala and Ian. They can't be allowed to see the basement."

   "What about me?" asked Saki. "Let me in on some action too! You can't make me stand around here!"

   "Saki, you shall stay here," Borris commanded. "Tala and Ian can take care of this. Besides, we still need to test your skills."

   Borris left then. Saki smirked.

   "Test my skills huh?" she questioned and licked her lips.

   Saki walked through the halls. This place, this dungeon was her home for the longest time. And it felt good to be back. After she had blown up her place(butler inside), there was no place out there like this. She took a deep breath.

   Saki stopped at her old room. The place she had been locked away as some sort of punishment. Saki still didn't quite understand it. She squeezed in and let her fingers glide over her symbol. She had never forgotten her drive for the other four elements but doing this just seemed to light the flame brighter.

   "I remember," she said, and smiled.

   Those were some of the best memories. Training here. Becoming stronger. Saki had always had a strong drive for power. Borris had noticed. He had been proud of her. She had wanted to impress him. So she battled her whole class at once. It was too easy. Her void had been created and one thing led to another. Borris came in but it was too late. Blood was everywhere. Saki loved it. She remembered laughing and licking some off her hand. It was glorious.

   But they punished her! Those fools had the nerve to lock her away! Here they kept her for the longest time. But Saki wouldn't go down, no, Saki escaped. They found her. Borris offered her a new power. Saki accepted. And it was more amazing than killing all her classmates. The scared face of that girl. The way she had become an Aurorus to protect herself.

   Saki suddenly burst out laughing. She laughed so hard she fell to her knees and held her sides. It was just too funny! That weak Aurorus. Its scared face. The way it tried to appeal to her. Oh please don't hurt me. Oh please I'll do anything! Hilarious!

   Saki eventually recovered and squeezed out of her room. She then spotted Kai walking along. He looked grumpier than usual.

   "What is it little brother?" Saki asked. "I heard your friends arrived."

   "They're not my friends," Kai spat and kept walking.

   "Whatever," Saki said, starting to go the other way when she saw Borris. "Hey Borris! You're just who I was looking for!" She ran over to him. "Borris, I need action, and fun!"

   "I was just thinking about you," he told her.

   "Oh how sweet," Saki said.

   "As you know the Russian tournament is beginning," Borris said. "I don't want Kai to have all the bit beasts so you may have some."

   Saki smirked and licked her lips.

   "But, you won't be on the team," Borris told her.

   "I prefer working alone."


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