Chapter 39: Tobias - Wedding

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A/N: I'm posting this chapter out of order. I went back and forth a lot on whether or not to include the wedding from Tobias' POV. I ultimately decided not to, but then a number of reviewers asked about it, and that made me reconsider, and...well, here you go. I'm posting this at the end of the story for now, to make it easier to find, but when I post the next chapter, I'll move this up one so it becomes the new Chapter 39, and the Memorial chapter will be Chapter 40.

By the way, thank you all so much for the outpouring of reviews, favorites, and follows lately. I really appreciate the support! Thank you also to my wonderful beta reader, Rosalie! Oh, and I changed the story summary. Please let me know what you think of it.


Chapter 39: Tobias – Wedding

"You look good," Zeke says as he gives me a reassuring pat on the shoulder. "Tris will be impressed."

And maybe he's right. I've never thought highly of my appearance, but as I look in the mirror now, I actually like what I see. Between the black tuxedo and white shirt, the gray bow tie and cummerbund, and my blue eyes, I seem to represent most of the factions. Add in the grin I don't even want to erase, and it's all perfectly Kaizen. It makes me feel even more like I belong with Tris.

"So, are you nervous?" Zeke asks as he adjusts my bow tie just a touch.

"No," I answer simply. And it's true. I have never been more certain of anything than I am about marrying Tris.

My best friend shakes his head a little, giving me a lopsided grin. "See, I just don't get that. I mean, I love Shauna, but I was a basket case right before the ceremony."

"Yeah, I know," I remind him, not quite able to suppress my smirk. "I was there." Lifting a shoulder, I add, "Kevin would probably say it's from growing up in Dauntless versus Abnegation."

Zeke nods, but then a slight frown creases his face. "Where is Kevin, anyway?"

"Presumably on the roof," I answer. "He's getting everything ready up there, right?"

But Zeke's expression tells me that isn't the case. "He wasn't there earlier," he says uncertainly, looking like he's not sure he should worry me. "But he's probably there now. I'll go check."

"We'll both go," I state firmly, suddenly concerned. Kevin is always on time.


When we reach the roof, it's immediately obvious that something is wrong. Most of the bridal party is gathered into a group, discussing something heatedly. Among them, I see a tired-looking Kevin, still dressed in his Erudite blue instead of his groomsman's suit.

"What's going on?" My voice slips into its instructor tone automatically, and Uriah jumps slightly in response.

"Michael is sick," Kevin says apologetically. "He spiked a fever and was up half the night vomiting."

Beside me, Zeke swears, and I see his frustration mirrored in the others' faces. But I immediately go into problem-solving mode. This is absolutely not going to derail my wedding.

"Do you need to get back to him?" I ask Kevin, trying to assess how many members of the wedding party we're losing.

"No, my sister-in-law is watching him." As he speaks, he glances to the side, and I realize that his wife, Miriam, is setting up her musical keyboard. I breathe a small sigh of relief. I feel bad for Michael, but I can't help but be glad that my friend and sponsor will be here today, and that we'll still have music for the ceremony.

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