A friendly visit

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AN: I am back, baby! This chapter is a little shorter for plot purposes, just so you know.

Also, feel free to check out my other stories and give these a go. (There's just one at the time of the release of this chapter, but oh well.)

3rd POV:

Akane walked from her Boss' office, still nervous from when she snuck the eavesdropping device into Nori's favourite hoodie. She and the two other group leaders were wondering about that mysterious phone call their Boss recieved during a briefing meeting(see chapter 4), so they decided to set a spying device on him. "I can't believe you made me do this, one of you should have done it instead." Akane whines. "It was your idea." Doc responds with a smirk.
"We can't sit here all day, how do we get the data? We can't have anyone else than us three listen." Shun says while lighting a cigarette. "She's right," Akane responds "We have our own work, and we can't bring anyone else into our issues.". " "Well, then-" Doc starts, but a loud noise comes from the spy device reciever, then stops, then resumes, and repeat. "Oh, I know this sound! It's a washing machine... wait, I didn't make it washing proof!" Doc says, jumping up, then grabs the reciever. The noise silences for a moment, then comes back again. This pattern happens for a while, until a loud screech is heard and the line goes dead.

"There goes the intel." Akane says, while Doc furiously hits the reciever against the table, hoping it will actually do something to fix their issue. It didn't.

3rd POV:

You are at home, then hear a knock on the door. You come over and open. There's Akio, the detective, but your eyes widen when you look behind him. You see a tired looking Youta, the town's superhero. "Am I under arrest or something?" you ask, confused. "Oh, no, no. Youta is my adoptive brother, and he wanted to see the person that had such a close encounter with Silhouette." Akio says, waving his hands apologetically. "Why, hello there citizen!" Youta goes, offering his hand for you to shake. You just look at it, so he awkwardly retracts his hand, looking confused. "Come on in." you say, then let them in. You lead them to the living room, allowing both of them to sit.

"[Y/N], is it true that Silhouette actually saved you?" Youta asks. "Yes, he saved me from a mugging. He... killed the assilant." you respond. "Why would he do that?" Youta asks, turning to Akio. He shrugs "That's what I wanna know. Did you see Silhouette after you got rescued by him?". You shake your head, not looking at them. "Are you sure?" Akio asks, making you nod. "...How come you are brothers? You look nothing alike." you say. "Oh, I was adopted! My real parents are dead!" Youta says, more like making a show out of it than answering. You and Akio look at eachother, visibly cringing. "Anyway, would you like something to eat or drink?" you ask. "Water is fine." Akio responds as Youta curiously looks around.

You all sit down together once you bring Akio a glass, making small talk before Youta pops the big questions. "Why do you think the guy rescued you?" he asks. "No idea, he just did. I'd like to know why he did it, myself." you say honestly. "The guy's a bastard, but don't worry, I'll keep you safe if he tries anything." Youta says, which you simply shrug off. "Silhouette is continuing with his operations as before, leaving hardly anything to go on. You're different though, a bump in his flawless record... something different. We have to find out why he spared- no... saved you." Akio says, now deep in thought. You have nothing to say, so you awkwardly sit there, staring at the two.

"Wait!" Youta suddenly says, alarming you and Akio. "If that's the case, why aren't the news covering [Y/N]  here?" he asks. "His info wasn't leaked so he won't be pursued by the media, it would make getting to him harder. Don't tell the news about him." Akio says, to which Youta obediently nods. Then, Akio snaps his fingers. "I got something we can try..." he says, turning to you.

Once you hear his idea, your stomach drops.

Gentleman Shadow / Obsessed!Villain!Male x Male!ReaderOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora