On the track of crime

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Chapter 3.1

Your POV:

It's been a week since I got home from the hospital, however nothing significant has happened since. I still carry the taser outside of home, however.

The city has been growing tense, since Silhouette was nowhere to be found. His attacks were always often, but nothing has happened for two months.

Tonight is a cold night, so I turn my bedroom heater on. Once it's time to sleep, I will open my window in vent mode.

'Burn the blueprints' I remember him saying. If they were building something, then his inactivity makes sense. ...Wait, do I have a clue?

I got up, determined to try to find any clues to tell me what will happen. I switched on my computer, and began browsing around companies in town selling components, wood, furniture, steel and any building companies. I also browsed around places containing useful stuff, like the scrap yard, full of metal. I was searching if anyone got something stolen, or simply had a shortage or was sold out.

After 15 minutes, I got a hit. A local construction company was behind schedule, because two of their cranes got stolen. And the scrapyard has been stolen from. The city sees the crane thievery as an act of the SuperConstruction TM, a company of superpower people, which claim have bought the crane that showed up. The cranes are still missing.


But there's no way for me to figure out the rest.


Something moved in my window.
I stay still, then I hear a knock on the glass. My eyes dart to the other window, and there's Silhouette, smiling ear to ear.

He's a wanted man, and a murderer... Should I open it?

(A thanks for my voters, it was you what pushed me out of this block. Thank you)

Gentleman Shadow / Obsessed!Villain!Male x Male!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now