In the Beast's Den

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"Bait?! What do you mean, that I should be the bait?! No way." you say in a rised voice. "We need to find out if he rescued you on purpose, or if it was just in the heat of the moment." Akio says, now rifling through his papers and setting them down on the table. "I'm not doing that, not only I could get hurt, everyone's eyes would be on me!" you retort nervously. "I will prepare a controlled situation with any precaution to make sure you come to no harm. I can't let you get hurt on my watch, now can I?" he replies, a small smile on his face.

Elsewhere, 8 hours later:
Nori/Silhouette POV:

I clutch my body pillow, resting my head against the soft fabric as I leave the news on. I look at the photo on it and smile as I push the pillow snugly against my body, kissing at it. Too bad it won't return my affection.

"-[F/N] [L/N]." says the news anchor. This gets my attention as I look at the TV. "Police is on the way, and should be there any minute. We will keep you updated." the news anchor says, before moving onto a other topic. I abruptly stand up and grab some clothes, before jumping out through the window and jumping roof to roof, my heart beating like a drum as dread makes my chest tighten. [F/N]... [F/N]!

I reach his apartment and unlock the window with telekinesis, diving through could make whoever is a threat to [F/N] hurt him. I jump in and sneak about, looking. It's quiet, too quiet. I peek into the next room, the living room. [F/N] is sitting on the couch with an anxious expression, his arms crossed and his gaze somewhat distant. There's also Youta, my "nemesis". The hero keeps walking about and looking the place over as he makes small talk with [F/N] who replies with one word each time, clearly not interested in a conversation. It seems he's safe, but I'm taking no chances.

Your POV:

It's making me anxious, waiting about like this. Akio told me he'd tell the media to broadcast that I'm in danger, for an exclusive interview with me in return. When will something happen? Youta is as carefree as ever while I feel like biting on my nails, even though I never do that.

As I'm lost in thought, I snap back to reality as I feel two arms. I look over and see Nori looking at me with those two big golden eyes, full off several emotions yet so cold, his other features black as the void as he's using his ability to sneak. "Ah-" I yelp out as I'm snatched, alerting Youta. Youta rushes after us, summoning his blade to strike. Nori clutches me even harder in response and dives out the window, fear washing over my body as we plummet.

3rd POV:

He lands safely and dashes for it, and as you look back at your apartment you see Youta with a terrified expression, he has failed to protect you.

Usually Nori would fuse with the shadows, but he never done that before while holding someone, so he dashes with you in his arms instead to prevent you coming to harm. You would shout to let go, but you're moving so fast that your mind is elsewhere as you clutch him tightly, afraid of falling.

The lights of the city dash past in a violent dance as Nori jumps roof to roof, reaching a wide road. With no issues, he jumps car to car, the passersby briefly stopping to wonder what that shadow dashing past was.

To your surprise, their headquarters aren't any abandoned warehouse or a ruined building, it's a modern looking office. Swiping a card, he slips in and immediately shushes you. As he sets you down in one of the spare meeting office rooms, his face is still unreadable. They glimmer with emotions, yet as if he's far away. "Wait for me here." he says, before leaving.

Nori POV:

I don't know what to do, this feeling... A mix of adrenaline, but mostly love and desire to protect him. It's overwhelming, but a few moments later I calm down, then send henchmen to protect the door as I go to clear my place of... decorations...

3rd POV:

You decide to stay and obey, all of this is very overwhelming. You sit down on the couch and settle in, waiting. You start feeling drowsy before you hear voices outside. You press your ear against the door and listen. There's three men and two women. "Hey, aren't you supposed to guard the ammo room?" one woman with a confident voice asks. "Boss has asked us to guard this room, we're just following orders." one man replies, and another humms as if saying the same.

"Well... What are you keeping safe, then?" another guy, the one following the women, asks. "No idea, Boss told us to guard the room and not look inside, nor let anyone in." the first guard replies. Short silence follows, before the other woman, who sounds even more confident speaks up. "Huh, sounds suspicious... Doesn't it, Akane?" she says. "I admit, I'm curious. Aren't you, Hideki?" Akane replies, and the said man humms. "I agree with Shun and Akane, open up." Hideki says.

Even though it won't help much, you duck behind the door as the guards retort that they can't. After some persuasion, they open the door and let the trio in. They walk past the door and you think about dashing out, but the guards would notice... The man with white hair and blue eye (his right eye is gray because of an accident) turns around and your eyes meet. He doesn't say anything, but approaches you with an expression of wonder. "B-Back off." you say. Your voice might be shaky, but it it seems like he's not confident in his fighting abilities as he stops.

"Huh?" Akane says before following his line of sight, joined by Shun. "Who are you?" she says harshly, but you just freeze up in fear as you notice the gun at ther hip. Her eyes narrow and she approaches, but you jam your taser into her stomach and turn it on, shocking her. She backs off and yelps as you run for it, but are grabbed/hugged a few steps out. You look up at Nori, who shoots the trio a glare. "Looks like we solved the mystery." Hideki loudly whispers, not daring say it fully aloud. "This is [Y/N], my guest. Leave him be." Nori says in a loud authorative tone, making the three leave. You sigh in relief as you notice the woman you tased has no ill will against you, she looked dangerous.

"Come on, I will show you where you'll stay from now on." Nori says. "I don't want to stay here forever." you reply, and his gaze softens. "You'll be here just until as I make sure you're safe." he says, his eyes glimmering with deception.

AN: Next chapter is the Finale, so it's likely going to be longer than a normal chapter and will be NSFW.

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