Meet the crew

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3rd POV:

Your chest gently rises and falls as you sleep, the clock on the wall reads 8:36. Unknown to everyone, a warehouse in the industry part of the town is already full of life, men moving about, preparing ammo for their upcoming action.

A woman with purple hair commands the men around, as they mount giant iron turrets on top of cars, lackeys distributing bulletproof vests, powerless pack medkits and get assault rifles. A red haired woman and her underlings nearby pack sniper rifles, tune their radios. Silhouette, or Nori, stands next to a man with short white hair. They both stare upon the machine in front of them, a large, four legged machine covered in metal plates, a heavy spear launcher atop it. A metal harpoon sits in the weapon, a chain connected to the rod. "Is it ready, Doc?" Shilhouette asks. "It's set, the engine behind the launcher is ready for the feat. I say, the way we will breach the vault is badass." Doc smirks, and pats the machine's leg, then turns to Silhouette "How do you plan to sneak it trought the town?". Silhouette points to a truck nearby, where the men removed the top of the storage part "My men will load it in there, then it will just walk out at the destination.". "Boss!" the woman with purple hair calls out as she approaches "Everyone in my department is ready, we will move on your command.". "Thanks Shun," he replies "how is the sniper team?". "Dunno." she says, and pulls out a cigarette box. Silhouette walks past her, then approaches the nearby redhead "How's the team?" he questions, and the female silently gives him a thumbs up.



"Also ready!"

"Alright everyone!" Silhouette shouts "Let's get the show on the road.".

A car drives in front of a truck, as other cars periodically leave the convoy. The car and the truck drive slow, as the other cars rush past. Impatient civilians honk at the truck and car, yet they pay them no mind whatsoever. The other cars surrounded the bank area, staying half a kilometer away not to draw suspicion. Snipers entered the buildings around the bank, unpack and assemble the sniper rifles. The radios transmit ready signals, and the now two vehicle convoy approaches the bank. The car in front of the truck parks on the side, and a man in a black apparel gets out. The truck stops in front of the bank, and the driver gets out. They both open the rear of the truck, and the darkly clothed man hops in.
A few armored men appear around the bank from the streets, assault rifles in their arms.

A loud engine whirrs to life, and the machine walks out of the truck cargo, Silhouette atop it's neck. A cheer errupts from the armed men, as they bash into the building. The machine runs towards the front door, and busts a hole. The people inside are quickly subdued and bound by the armed men, yet a worker pressed the alarm. A loud ringing echoes trought the building, and the machine keeps busting walls, running to the vault door. It halts to a stop 4 meters in front of the reinforced door, and Silhouette lowers himself, laying on the machine, as the weapon engine makes a loud growl, and the harpoon shoots forward, piercing the door. The machine changes it's stance, and the weapon engine does a loud roar, as the retracting haropoon rips the vault door right off of it's reinforced hinges.

The men rush in and fill the bulletproof bags they were provided with money, not taking any time to idle. The machine makes it's way into the truck, and Silhouette hops off, ripping the license plate from the vehicley then joining the truck driver. The truck and the convoy car begin leaving the scene, and a loud gunshot pierces the air. Snipers are hard at work, disabling any cops or witnesses with sedative darts from up to a kilometre away. Many armed men rush out of the building and scatter like rats. They all rush towards their respective cars, and once a car has all it's respective members, it drives off in a seemingly random direction. Snipers also begin leaving the scene, one after another. Some stay longer to snipe the cops that saw the directions behicles have left in, then they carefully leave the scene.

Your POV:

I woke up late today, around 10 o'clock, and all the TV channels are speaking of the fast heist that finished half an hour ago. Only a single vehicle could be tracked down, but noone could be arrested, as there were no leads to who the drivers or passengers were. Youta, the hero, has recieved some hate for not showing up to the scene, because he was at a gathering in a different part of the city. He could have made it on scene somewhat on time, if he wasn't rambling to a hero from a bigger city that he admired. Either way, over 87% of the vault's contents were stolen.

"As you see," the news lady said "Silhouette is back."

Gentleman Shadow / Obsessed!Villain!Male x Male!ReaderOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora