Why villain villains

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Your POV:

You sit at your couch, intently staring at the large wad of cash. In front of you is 250 thousand dollars in cash. That's quarter of a million, you could buy a lambo with all this cash. That's 1 315 790 bananas.

You decide to save the money, which is probably for the best. Who knows what you'll need in the future.

3rd POV, elsewhere:

A dark, cozy room... Black soft bed blanket, black curtains on the windows and numerous candles all around. Atop the bed sits Nori, lightly grasping what arrived in a package today - a soft body pillow. He also has tape, scissors and a photo. He carefully positions the photo on an upper half of the pillow, keeping it as symetrical as possible. Afterall, it has to be PERFECT. Once satisfied, he applies four lines of tape, one on each edge of the photo. He carefully lifts up the pillow and looks over his work. His golden eyes glimmer as he smiles, satisfied. He then seats the pillow in his lap and embraces it softly, then caresses the fabric, before lying down with it. He snaps his fingers, and the candles go out. He falls asleep with the pillow in his arms. Oh, how he'd like to fall asleep with the real thing in his hands. He picked the best image from the corkboard above his bed. The board is littered with dozens, maybe over a hundred photos of a single subject every single time...

It's [Y/N], a rather cute, smart boy. The day he saw him, he knew he has to save him from the thug that was about to beat his pretty face. He then stepped back and watched [Y/N] for several days, and slowly grew... attracted to (obsessed with) the male. He quickly made a photo collection of the male, and dug up his past. He was already very much crushing on [Y/N], but the way he handled the detective's prying was very intriguing. He could have even ratted Nori out... but he didn't.

The cute male reminded him of why he became a villain in the first place. He used to spend his days doing... nothing! Why he became a villain? Sheer, absolute boredom! Why have awesome combat powers if he can't use them? At first he entered illegal combat clubs, where he and others were bet on as they faced off against eachother. He quickly mastered his powers in combat use and met many underground geniuses, and he decided to hire three of them and create an organization that would back him up and provide technology, power, firepower and a possibility to manipulate his surroundings to make their job easier.

He hired three underground titans -

Shun, aka Lynx, a purple haired woman with superior coordination and gun handling skills, perfect for leading a raid. She was the first one that got hired, and was provided with equipment needed, then they carried out a massive raid on a TV broadcast station, where they challenged the city. Obviously, they were not arrested.

Hideki, aka Doc, a young man with white hair, his left eye is blue, however his right eye is gray because of an experiment failure. He's a professional at creating chemical weapons and machinery, the term 'mad scientist' fitting him quite well. He and Nori actually faced off in a battle when they first met, as they both were after stealing a military grade power component. Nori won the fight against Doc's machinery, however he decided to hire him and provide him with a lab for his experiments in return for his services.

Akane, aka Eagleye, a woman with red hair and superior sniper skills, an ex-assassin. She actually approached Nori herself after he gained notoriety by facing off against Youta. After Nori did a background check, he decided to welcome Akane on board.

But what's happening with them now?

The purple haired woman stomped on a cigarette, then spoke "So, what am I doing here, in the meeting room? Boss isn't here.". "Oh, it wasn't my idea, right, Akane?" says Doc as he sits at his seat. The redhead walks onto the podium their boss uses, and turns to them "Remember how Boss got a phone call during the briefing meeting the day before we did the bank raid?". "Yeah." Doc agrees, then puts his legs onto the large meeting table, to which Shun smacks him, forcing him to put his legs down. "You see, we usually see Boss all cold and all, but it was like his whole personality turnes around when he recieved the call. We need to find out who it was." Shun says, sternly looking at her colleagues. "Oh, oh!" Doc hopps from his seat, obviously excited "are you suggesting a spying mission?". Akane nods and Doc cheers, Shun nods in understanding.

"So, what's the plan?" he asks. "Simple." Akane says "We tail Boss in his free time.". "Uhh," goes Shun "Ever saw how fast Boss actually moves around? I'd swear he has a jet engine up his ass.". "True," goes Doc "He is faster than many motorbikes." he says, proud of his knowledge. Akane rolls her eyes at his unnecessary information. "How about we put some spying equipment on him?" asks Shun. "Risky, but I like it," says Akane "Can you make something, Doc?". "Sure thing!" he says, making finger guns at the two.

Gentleman Shadow / Obsessed!Villain!Male x Male!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now